75 Hard Challenge
I have heard about the 75 Hard Challenge and when I first heard it, I thought, I am NOT doing this. It’s not feasible for me, I don’t want to train like I am prepping for a show again, and I don’t have the dedication. But this challenge kept coming up in my head. “But what if I CAN?” “What if I can show myself what I am capable of at the age of 35 after birthing 3 kiddos?” “What if this can help me get stronger, better with my nutrition, and gain more self-control?” I decided that it’s time. I CAN DO HARD THINGS and I’m ready to challenge myself with the 75 Hard Challenge.

This journey is not going to be easy, which is WHY I decided to document it. I took my before pics, weight, and measurements and I am going ALL IN. No holding back. I need to show myself my own potential. I want to see how my body can change. This is not just physical though. I am ready to continue working on my mental health and having more of a positive mindset and grow as a wife, mother, leader, and more importantly, child of God!
I went to the grocery store and took a little over an hour last night to prep my meals. There will be no cheats, no alcohol, and no sweets. I will be fueling my body the right way with healthy choices.

For my meal plan and prep, I used easy recipes that I can cook up quick and have readily available! Meal prepping does NOT have to be challenging and take too much time. I did my prep in a little over an our using all my kitchen appliances. Now, I am a little obsessed with appliances so I had two air fryers going, my stove, and a skillet! While my food was cooking, I cut veggies, prepped salads, and portioned everything out!
If you like this template for making your own meal plans, CLICK below to download your blank template to create your own meal plans!

Here is some accountability so I can stay motivated and on track. I am sharing with you the BEFORE, the uncomfortable, and the hard. But we can do hard things! ❤️

One of the requirements during the 75 Hard Challenge is you must take a picture every day of yourself. I will use some as post workout pictures and some plain ol progress pictures!

If you are interested in having accountability doing the 75 Hard Challenge and even want to do this and join in my virtual bootcamp to help you stay accountable and get extra support, encouragement, health/fitness tips, fill out the application below!