Team Retreat Forever FIT and the Dream Team United
I am catching up on life (remodeling a kitchen and office at once really puts you in a tizzy lol) and wanted to share our amazing weekend that our top leaders went on this past week!!!
As a fitness coach, my goal is to not only keep myself accountable for my own fitness journey, but also help others along the way!! As I have been able to help others, we have also found that growing a team of other like-minded go getters has really helped us with freedom for our families and financially… and since my team has made so many sacrifices and worked so hard to get to where they are today, this retreat was a way to congratulate them, but also allow them to enjoy a little vacation while spending some QT together!!
One thing that was extra special to me this trip was that my husband Brent was able to join me on this trip!! This was his very first Beachbody event that he attended… now it was not planned by corporate so he didn’t see the huge training and extras that go with those events, but this was a perfect first that he watched me host, so that made it so special!
The only way he was able to go with me was if he was my assistant and helped with cooking all the meals for 25 women and helped keep the place clean! I would say him and our other male friend Jessie who came to do the same did an amazing job!!! I am so blessed that Brent was able to not worry about taking off work to be here with me!
I must say, I have to give him so much credit because there are not many husbands or guys out there who are willing to be in a houseful of 25 women to do what they did and not one time complained about ANYTHING!! Not even me being slightly needy and pregnant at the same time!!
This was also our very first big trip together and flying together! If you don’t know our story, we did things pretty quick.. Met, got engaged in 4 months, married in 6, pregnant in 7! And never had the opportunity to have a honeymoon because our schedules with work and kids just didn’t match!
So back to the trip!!! It felt so good to be able to grab a 30 person house to have us all stay together and get to know each other more and spend time together!! We came from all over the US: PA, WV, CA, MI, and
more!! We may not see each other as often as we want, but when we come together again, it feels like we have known each other forever and we pick up right where we left off!
Our theme for our retreat was “EMPOWER”- Our mission to to EMPOWER others to shoot for the stars, to overcome fear and do what makes them happy and what is important to them! So many people hold back because of fear, but we are all for taking leaps into the unknown, because as we did it ourselves, we found a beautiful world on the other side of fear and doubt!!
As I took this trip at 28 weeks pregnant, I did not know what I was going to get myself into with swelling and being in sunny Florida with 90 degree weather… yea, I have no clue how pregnant mommas do it lol!! I was SOOO swollen every day!!! But I didn’t let it get to me, I just kept on moving!! Yoga, MMA workouts, we did it all.. and rocked it!

Im proud to say this was my yoga buddy and I working out on our last day before we travel back home!! #committed #goals
I guess since we are fitness coaches, we can tap for a minute about nutrition! We had planned healthy meals for each breakfast, lunch, and dinner while in Florida:
Buffalo chicken Sweet Potatoes
Taco night (healthy version)
And for breakfast, Green Protein Pancakes!! Ok I may have added peanut butter and bacon on it, but it was SOOOOO good lol!! Ps. Don’t knock it til ya try it!
Anndddd then came evening time.. I swear if my friends didn’t love cookies and didn’t suggest ice cream sundae parties, I would NOT have fallen off lol!! I can blame them right?? or blame it on the pregnancy??

Yes, my ice cream sundae was eaten in my two piece at 28 weeks pregnant and my belly was my table! LOL
During our retreat, we did have some training to continue empowering our leaders! Even leaders and successful coaches are hungry for more knowledge and growth!! And then after 2 days of training, we did finish off with a day in Epcot for the 25th year anniversary and wine and food festival… hold the wine please.. I’ll just take a sample of all the food!!
And then we did more work and had a photoshoot for some professional pictures.. as you can tell, with the little time we have, we get lots accomplished.. because busy people get stuff done!!!
I loved taking my pregnancy lifestyle pictures because this truly is ME!!! I love having the ability to be me, work from home, in yoga pants or comfy cotton dress with my belly hanging out, and helping others around the US/Canada, and soon to be UK!! Thanks to social media, it allows me to reach and help so many more people than just those in my community!!
It is so crazy to know this is our lives!! We pick the hours we want to work, we travel just a couple times a year (if we want) to meet up, have fun, get more training, and create memories, but we are women of all sizes and ages working on ourselves and our own fitness journeys, and hoping to help others who can relate to us along the way!
I am so thankful God has placed this opportunity in my hands almost 5 years ago when I was working full time swing shifts as a nurse with a newborn and 1 year old, and just wanting a way to have more freedom and time with my boys!!
This opportunity has allowed me more than I ever imagined: New friendships that I can call my other family, more freedom and time with my boys, financial freedom to provide for my family, more confidence as a person and mother, and a healthy pregnancy that I never had before this journey started!!
I am looking for 20 new women who are wanting to change their life!! Who are driven and hungry for success and freedom!! You must be fun to work with, willing to share your fitness journey, and willing to sacrifice some time to help others along their own journey— No education needed… my training will be good enough to help you grow a successful business of your own from home!!
Please fill out the application below to be accepted into a part of the #1 team in the organization!! Please only fill out if you are not currently working with another Beachbody coach!