Deidra Mangus

Embrace your figure, Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It

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T25 Week 2 Day 1~

Today is officially the start of my second week into T25!  I am not going to lie, I feel like I have horrible shin splints.  I had FIT club tonight and could barely do the jumps.  I ate pretty well and drank 60 oz of water, which I need 65 min, so I will chug after I am done  ...

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Day 5 & 6 T25~

So yesterday, we went away to visit family, and it was not so bad at all! I did not do a workout (Doing them Sat and Sun),  but did eat fairly well throughout the day, considering not being home.  Here was my meal plan: Breakfast: Shakeology Snack: fat free string cheese, almonds  ...

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Day 3 T25~

Day 3 T25 was yet another successful day!! This is what happens when you put your mind to it!!! If you believe, YOU WILL ACHIEVE!!! It is all about having faith in yourself and pushing until you get to where you need to be in life!! This is where I want to be.. healthy and happy with myself! I  ...

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Day 1 of T25 : Day 1 went awesome!! I was prepared mentally and physically and that sets me up for success!! Although I had to work a 10 hr shift, that did not stop me from getting my workout in at 4 am!! I woke up and yes, its difficult, but I also had more energy throughout the day than if I  ...

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Sunday is here already!! I swear time goes by faster and faster! If your a mommy or daddy, you know exactly what I mean! So I am so excited to start tomorrow because I have not one, but 2 fitness challenge groups starting tomorrow!! I usually only do one, but I have found a great group of  ...

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Fresh Bruschetta

Fresh Bruschetta So if you know me, I am completely obsessed with bruschetta and feta cheese!! So I felt since I was constantly purchasing it, I need to learn to make it!! I have an awesome garden started, so this is the perfect time for me to make my own bruschetta!! So here is what you need…  ...

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Certified Insanity Instructor!!

Insanity Certified!! Ok, now I’m catching up.. Last week was a great week.  I took a little road trip to Pittsburgh and got certified as an INSANITY INSTRUCTOR!! I have been working out to Insanity off and on now since my after my first son was born… That was over 2 years ago.  So  ...

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