The Portion Fix is what introduced the world to rainbow portion control containers, and now Autumn is back and revamping the nutrition program to make it EVEN BETTER! I am so excited for you to experience this program! Portion controlled containers have taken away the need to count calories and makes clean eating easy!

Deidra Mangus

Embrace your figure, Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It

Yearly Archives:



Avocado Banana Muffins

I am always looking for easy snacks and treats that I can make and have for my family and when we are on the run since we are busy and feeling like we are constantly on the go. So my husband was a big help on this and decided to whip up some yummy, easy, but healthy Avocado banana muffins!  ...

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Making 2019 Your Best Year Yet!

Hey friends! Happy New Year and 2019! Can you believe 2018 is already gone and out of the picture? As I was recapping how 2018 went, I must say it has been the best year I have had in a few years! But I am so excited about what I am going to bring to 2019 to make it even better! I say that with  ...

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