
Making 2019 Your Best Year Yet!

Hey friends! Happy New Year and 2019! Can you believe 2018 is already gone and out of the picture? As I was recapping how 2018 went, I must say it has been the best year I have had in a few years! But I am so excited about what I am going to bring to 2019 to make it even better! I say that with confidence, not cockiness!

me with girls new years 2018.jpg

How on earth are we going to be in control of making 2019 your best year yet?


My husband and I decided to have a “word of the year” for our family and then a different one for ourselves! Our family’s word of the year is MARGIN! If you look up the definition of margin, it is the space between our load and our limits.  For us, we want to have margin in our lives and with everything we do so we are not stressed and rushing from place to place and not having enough time to finish tasks.  If you are one who struggles with time management, it may not hurt for you to add this work on for yourself!


Serve is MY word of the year! I know when I am serving others, I feel good and I feel accomplished! I decided to make a Moto/quote for the year on top on my word of the year and here it is: The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” -Mahatma Gandhi

When you serve others, it can be a simple text to someone to let them know you are thinking of them or ask how they are. It can be volunteering at your church or an organization in your community, or even stopping when you see someone needs help and just taking the time to help them despite our busy life and schedule!


to do list

Failing to plan is planning to fail. You cannot be successful…. truly successful at something if you cannot take the time to PLAN. For instance, losing weight, You cannot expect to lose healthy weight and keep it off if you are not planning your meals and knowing what meals you are going to have! If you want to get married, you must PLAN a wedding. Or have a baby, you have to PLAN and get all the baby’s necessities before the baby is born! Everything takes planning and when you plan, success will follow!


believeWhen you BELIEVE in yourself, you are halfway there! I just shared this with my team on our call talking goals! Belief goes such a long way! And really, you achieve what your mind believes! If you can give yourself positive talk and positive affirmations on a regular basis, you will be surprised what success you will have! The moment you tell yourself you cannot, you won’t. So speak life into you and what you can do in 2019!


Do you realize the stress we put ourselves through when we try to control things that are really not in our control? For example, when we try to control other’s actions, other’s opinions, and general life circumstances. Life sometimes happens and it stinks, but instead of trying to control what we can’t, lets focus on controlling how we RESPOND to the situations that we cannot control!

What we can control, are our choices, our actions, and our responses! If we can control these in a positive way, life will be so much better!

I hope you all are ready to set some big goals for yourself, plan out your intentions, and take lots of action! I hope you are ready to live with your glass half full and let go of anything that may be holding you back from happiness and success!!

HAPPY 2019!!