Healthy Snacks 101
Many of us fail to stay on track with our healthy eating and nutrition because we are too busy with our work schedules, kids, and just “other important things.” Every time you hold back and keeping yourself healthy, you take a step back with happiness, your health,your body figure, your confidence, and your self-esteem. If you are one of those people who just cannot get motivated and continue your “DIET”, you are not doing something right! I bet I can take I guess!! “Diet” is a word that we should completely take out of our dictionary! Its a word that contradicts itself! WHY?!? Because diets are temporary.. they only last until you are done with it! You cannot live off of diets, so once you are finished, you eventually gain the weight back one way or another! If I am wrong, PLEASE let me know!
It is so important to fill our bodies with nutrients to fuel our bodies and improve our health and well-being, rather than just taking the easy way out all the time! Tell me, if you have gone through eating healthy, does it not feel so much better than eating those chips, pizza, and pop to where you are bloated and miserable?! Then the worst part is, you continue craving that food! You don’t have to, but when you feed your body anything, your taste buds will automatically alter to crave what you feed it! Yes, this means, if you feed your body healthy food and nutrients, your body will crave that too!! We just have to give it a chance!!
Since we are human and always want the easy way out, we do not even give out bodies a chance when it comes to eating healthy and losing weight the RIGHT WAY!
So I am here to tell you today to get off the fad diets, and work for what your getting! Anything worth having is going to take work… but I promise you, you will be happier and healthier in the long run! Think of adding years to your life to be around your family longer, about not being afraid to be in public anymore because you feel everyone is looking at you.. think of the role model you are being for your children, or future children. Believe it or not, people are watching you… people admire you, so being the best role model out their will only benefit everyone! Think about the strength and sense of accomplishment you will feel having the ability to control your portions and snacking… Having self control and a sense of accomplishment may be one of the biggest successes out there!
So, it is time to let go of the excuses…. no more I have no time, no more eating healthy is too expensive, because I guarantee you, dairy queen, fast food, & star bucks is NOT cheap!! Nor is sitting in front of the TV eating a whole bag of chips and drinking soda upon soda! You may think I’m being harsh, but sometimes the truth has to hurt in order to make a change! It’s time to suffer the pain now before suffering with regret later!
I am going to provide you with some of my favorite snacks I use when I do not feel like cooking, or need something fast and easy!!
7. Some other snacks I have here are Shakeology (travels packets), Mixed berries with Edamame, LUNA bar, and a cutie! What is nice about these snacks is NONE of them need refrigerated, so here you have NO excuse not to be healthy! You can shake up your shake in a shaker cup with water (blending is more fun though of course 🙂 ) and Luna bars are protein bars that help when I want some chocolate!
10. Ants on a log: You got it! You can make eating healthy fun too! Celery, a little natural peanut butter, and top it off with a few raisins!
11. Mixed nuts and berries: Throw together a few nuts and berries and call it a day! Doesn’t get much easier than this!