Deidra Mangus

Embrace your figure, Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It

Browsing Tag:

clean eating recipes


Baked Butternut Squash

I am one of those people who likes to mix up their veggies and not have just plain cooked or raw veggies with my meals. The more I can get creative, the easier I stay on track! So yesterday, I did my usual weekly meal prep (which looked awesome by the way), and did a little playing with my  ...

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Crock Pot Turkey Meatballs

Sometimes we just need to make our meals simple and satisfying, along with keeping it clean!  I made this new recipe just trying it out since I need more crock pot recipes for my challengers, and this hit the spot! Hope you all like!! Ingredients: 1 large egg 1 pound 99% lean ground turkey  ...

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Healthy Crock Pot Apple Crisp

Its that time of year again, fall is here and its always nice to make those yummy warm crock pot treats!!! I actually just picked up some more fresh apples from the local farmers market before they close down and now that I know we are known for our apples, I am putting them to use!! Healthy  ...

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Clean Blueberry Muffins (Gluten-free)

Clean Blueberry Muffins (Gluten Free) Ingredients: 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 small banana, peeled ––– 2 eggs 1 egg white ––– 1 cup unsweetened almond coconut milk 1 TBSP pure vanilla extract 1 TBSP pure maple syrup ––– 1 cup oat flour 1 cup coconut 1/4 tsp Himalayan salt —- 1  ...

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zucchini chips, deidra mangus, healthy snack recipes, parmesan snacks, healthy cheese recipes, healthy vegetable recipes, weight loss recipes, post partum weight loss

Baked Parm Zucchini Chips

I am always looking for different ways to enjoy my veggies as an appetizer or snack! I decided to slice my zucchini up and make baked parmesan zucchini chips! Simple, enjoyable, and satisfying! Ingredients 3 to 4 zucchini , sliced into 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch rounds 2 tablespoons  ...

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Oven Baked Blackened Tilapia

So as I had my first Figure Competition this past weekend, I wanted to commit to another this weekend, but I broke down and caved into those crazy food temptations!! I let my emotions get the best of me, but I feel I am only FAILING FORWARD!! This is still just the beginning of an amazing  ...

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