
Bouncing Back after Baby- 9 weeks Post-partum

Well I yet again struggled to make it on here and I hate to use excuses because I don’t like them myself lol!

It has been a busy last week and a half… but I mean really, isn’t it always busy?! I feel like we never slow down! Even crazier, I thought working from home would give me so much more time to do things… but I must say, I would LOVE to add a few more hours to my day to actually get what I need accomplished!!

Anyways, I am 9 weeks post-partum since having baby J (Josiah) and he is just incredible!! We have had slight issues with weight gain and lots of gas and fussiness… and now reflux, so we are trying to adjust what we need to make him happy and content! While mommy is trying to stay calm and not stress… easier said than done right?!

Deidra Mangus, 9 weeks post partum, post partum fitness journey, weight loss journey after pregnancy, bouncing back after baby, Elite beachbody coach, successful online fitness coach, home birth, natural birth, shakeology and breastfeeding, healthy new mom

Last week, my middle son Weston was sick (diagnosed with croup) and the day he finally goes back to school after 5 days, Josiah is now sick! A newborn being sick is NO fun and so hard because they can’t tell you what is wrong! But his cough sound terrible and he is running a fever and has diarrhea.

Despite my kids being sick and me not being able to get as much work done as I wanted, I am thankful that I am able to be home and take care of them!! And I am working on my fitness journey and doing what I can!!

Meal prep went down Sunday to prep for my first week of 80 Day Obsession and it looked like this!

Deidra Mangus, 9 weeks post partum, post partum fitness journey, weight loss journey after pregnancy, bouncing back after baby, Elite beachbody coach, successful online fitness coach, home birth, natural birth, shakeology and breastfeeding, healthy new mom, meal prep, meal planning, 80 day obsession prep

We know nutrition is key right? It is such a HUGE part of our success with our health and fitness journey, so meal planning and prepping is going to have to be a priority! With the 80 Day Obsession, the nutrition plan is very specific so it basically tells you when to eat what types of food… so for those who do not know what to eat, this is going to help you!!

Here are some meals I am eating this week!

    Deidra Mangus, 9 weeks post partum, post partum fitness journey, weight loss journey after pregnancy, bouncing back after baby, Elite beachbody coach, successful online fitness coach, home birth, natural birth, shakeology and breastfeeding, healthy new mom, meal prep, meal planning, 80 day obsession prep, vanilla vegan shakeology

         Deidra Mangus, 9 weeks post partum, post partum fitness journey, weight loss journey after pregnancy, bouncing back after baby, Elite beachbody coach, successful online fitness coach, home birth, natural birth, shakeology and breastfeeding, healthy new mom, meal prep, meal planning, 80 day obsession prep          

I am pretty proud to get back into my workouts finally after some issues with myself 2 weeks after giving birth that occurred. But now it is just managing keeping Josiah calm while I get through my workouts!

Deidra Mangus, 9 weeks post partum, post partum fitness journey, weight loss journey after pregnancy, bouncing back after baby, Elite beachbody coach, successful online fitness coach, home birth, natural birth, shakeology and breastfeeding, healthy new mom, 80 day obsession, home fitness workouts, beachbody on demand    There are moments when I get to workout with just my weights…..

80 day obsession, home fitness workouts, beachbody on demand And moments where my baby is one of my weights!! Either way, I am DETERMINED to get through!! I find it funny because J is actually more calm when I am wearing him and working out.. I think he is use to the bouncing since I worked out all throughout my pregnancy!!

It’s a bonus when my hubby works out with me!! It gives me extra push and motivation to keep going when I want to give up!

I want to finish off with this… I mentioned how I have been busy, having sick kids and trying to heal, keep a business going, while taking care of the home… As we struggle, we simply are going through a season!! That season will not last forever and is only temporary…

Yesterday and today, I have let everything build up and have been extremely emotional and it has been a struggle for me to not break down.. ok so I have broken down a few times… but when I am weak, I get a sign to read or listen to something to help me know that I am not alone.. and that I WILL overcome whatever it is I am struggling with! I want to share my signs with you…

If you are struggling or going through a season, know there is someone very powerful that has your back!  

Thanks to my husband Brent for opening this and leaving it on the table for me.

And thanks to a great friend MC who introduced me to this song to help me realize I need God to change me and help me grow through what it is I am going through!


