Post Easter Candy Detox- Time to Kick the Sugar Addiction
Is it really April already and Easter has come and gone?! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and were able to spend quality time with your loved ones along with really focusing on the true meaning of Easter (Resurrection of Jesus Christ)! But we all know Easter usually comes with Easter candy, and. lots of it! Easter candy, more Easter candy, and snacks, and more snacks, and lots of calories! I do not know why holidays are usually like this. But it’s so easy to gain that 2-10 lbs because we just devour everything in site. So I am excited to share with you some great times to help you detox from that Easter candy and kick that sugar addiction!
I fell off track Friday, but somehow picked myself back up and rocked Sunday the entire day, including getting in my workout! But now that Easter is over, I know there are probably lots of you that have a ton of candy hanging around the house and it is tempting. Like really tempting! Don’t be afraid to say you may want to sneak and steal your kids candy! Hehe I promise, you are NOT alone!
Anyways, I am here to help you get back on track and learn to JUST SAY NO to those temptations that will keep you from reaching your goals!
Tips to help you kick the candy (SUGAR) addiction and get on track with your fitness goals:
- Start exercising regularly. Exercise will help speed up your metabolism, but also will help you gain strength. I don’t mean looking like a man, and NO, lifting weights will NOT make you look like a man unless you take supplements that are not real! Strong is sexy!
- Throw away the extra candy. Let’s be real, our kids don’t need to be binging on candy, and we don’t need it either. It’s just a way to create unhealthy habits, weight gain, low energy, and a crappy attitude. Candy and sweets affect us in so many BAD ways. Get rid of it and you won’t even want it or need it!
- Drink more WATER! Liquid calories stink! Let it go along with the drinks that are full of chemicals and artificial flavors/sweeteners. Yes, diet pop/soda counts as not healthy! Water will help cleanse and remove all the yucky toxins you put into your body! You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces!
- Get your daily multi-vitamin! You need the vitamins and minerals in your body because they are lacking so much from our every day foods we eat today. Our nutrients are stripped from our crops due to the soil not being what it use to be years ago. I get all my vitamins and minerals by incorporating my superfoods meal SHAKEOLOGY into my daily regimen. It helps me with my cravings and I feel amazing, strong, and healthy when I am using it. I am 5 years strong and have no plans on stopping any time soon! It has been a HUGE part of my success in my own fitness journey! I am exclusively breastfeeding my 4 month old and have been incorporating clean eating and Shakeology into my regimen and my baby Josiah is growing wonderfully and strong!
- Portion your food! I use the 21 Day Fix portion containers and it has really helped me in knowing how much of what food group I should be eating according to my height, weight, and activity level. Eating smaller portions every 2.5-3 hours also helps me build my metabolism!
I am following the 80 Day Obsession Program and this meal equals 1 green (veggie), 1 red (protein), 1 yellow (carb), and 1 blue (fat)
- Choose whole foods. I say shopping on the outside isles of the grocery store will help you choose the healthy foods. They are usually the fresh fruits, veggies, and lean meats! When you get more in the inside isles at the store, you will notice they are more of the canned, boxed, and foods full of GMO’s (genetically modified), full of chemicals and artificial flavors and full of sodium. NOT good! Stick with the outside and you will be safe!
- Find a success partner/accountability partner! Find someone who has goals and wants to team up with you to keep each other accountable during your journey! The more support you have, the more likely you are to succeed! Keeping your goals to yourself only give you the ability to cheat yourself!
- Take pictures and measurements to follow and keep track of your success! This gives your goals more of a sense of urgency and makes your journey more realistic to you! If you don’t keep track, it’s also easier to fall off and stay off track! If you don’t take them and you do stay on, it becomes hard to see what your true progress is! You will be surprised how much change you see in pictures and measurements rather than the scale or just looking in the mirror.
- Let go of the SCALE!! If you read the last tip, you will see the scale is not the best indicator to show your progress and success.. A pound of fat weighs the same and 1 pound of muscle, but they look totally different! You can weight 140 and be skinny fat, or weigh 140 and be lean and muscular with abs. I have experienced both at the same weight, so do yourself a favor and do not go by the scale and let it define your success!
- Focus on progress, not perfection! If you eat a piece of candy, IT’S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! We are human and we do make mistakes! Our goal is to make progress and be better than we were the day before! The difference between success and failure is this:
- Successful people will eat the candy, learn, and move forward, not letting the rest of the day or week go.
- Unsuccessful people will eat the candy, and say “oh well, I already did the damage, might as well finish it off and start again next week”….. NO!!!!!!
Be the one who gets back on track and knows that this is a lifestyle, not a diet!! Dieters keep starting next Monday, or the next day! You deserve the lifestyle my friend!!