Prepping For My First Home Birth Experience!!
At 38 weeks pregnant, I am getting so excited for my very FIRST HOME BIRTH!!! So I will tell you now, I am NOT an expert at this, but I am pretty excited and feeling confident with how I have prepped for this! So I am going to walk you through prepping for my first home birth experience!
I have my birth plan, and DO plan on having a water birth! My goal is to be as comfortable as possible, to be able to move around my home and room as needed to control the pain without being confined to a hospital bed or hooked up to medication.
Please note, I am NOT putting ANYONE down for choosing hospital route as I did it 2 times with my boys.. and I understand there definitely are circumstances and own choices and preferences which you are totally entitled to! I simply was MISERABLE and between the medication/epidural, I was sick, vomiting, and want a different experience this time around!
So I am going to give you some of my top items/supplies that I am using/will be using to have the best home birth experience possible!!

I want all my kids (2 boys of my own and 3 bonus kids) to be a part of my birth experience.. not necessarily physically being present and watching this all go down, but for me… when I think of them, I relax! So this was a PERFECT way for me to have my mind in the right place during my laboring! My kids picked parts of the scripture that is just perfect for this experience to help me calm my nerves and relax and think of them and of course the Lord!
He is what will get me through this no matter how difficult it may be! God made us mommies to be able to deliver and before pain meds were made by man, natural births were the only way to go! These positive affirmations are going to be by my side the whole time!!
Essential Oils-
I am not particularly a person who constantly uses essential oils and mixes a bunch to cure everything, but I have used them and see benefits with certain oils. I have also watched friends experience births using oils that have been successful in helping with relaxing, pain relief, etc., which is why I will be using just a few oils during my birth process! Below I will explain the oils I am using and what each one is used for!

Essential Oils during Laboring/Birth Process
Peppermint has a cooling effect, so it can be great when mom is hot, sweaty and tired… during PUSHING!
For nausea:
- Peppermint on the tongue, 1 drop at a time
- Peppermint in water: You can use this as a diluted sprizter which acts as an anti-nausea agent. Best during transition on a cloth for your face, forehead or chest.
You can also massage into back, hips, and temples — anywhere but your eyes after mixing with carrier oils. Or simply place a small drop on your tongue. For a burst of energy, inhale the aroma.
This can also be used to stimulate mom to pee if she’s having a hard time going by just simply dropping it into the toilet.
Clary Sage
Many find clary sage to be helpful to make contractions stronger. All you need to do is uncap it, sniff and contractions can get stronger.
Clary sage is also a great option when it comes to minimizing tearing and relieving muscle tension resulting from emotional stress. It reduces your cortisol levels and acts as a natural anti-depressant when applied topically to an acupressure point on the inside of your ankles.
Doulas are a big fan of this essential oil. When applied at the last stages of labor, the mother can really get into a euphoric state.
To use, dilute a few drops and apply on skin over reproductive organs. Or, place a drop on each palm and inhale between contractions.
Note: DO NOT use this unless you’re ready to give birth and have consulted with your doctor.
It’s commonly used as support for your perineal tissue during your labor and birth. Application of it ‘down there’ is said to reduce your chances of tearing and trauma due to its natural healing properties.
Frankincense is a calming oil that’s especially useful toward the end of the first stage of labor.
Place a single drop on the center of both of your palms, or rub some onto your lower back and tummy. Besides relieving pain, this essential oil can also help heal a tear after childbirth.
Ok so you got some of the items I will be using to prep for my labor and delivery, and now I am going to share a little more, but also more necessities for after this little baby boy arrives!!
Don’t mind my sense of humor in my video… I am making this fun and exciting!!
Used to help heal the soft tissue and any tears or abrasions in your perineal area after birth.
To use, simply wet the seaweed with water and apply right at the opening and your mucous membranes where any soft tissue damage could have occurred.
Replace as needed or after you go to the bathroom. Use for a few days or up until 2 weeks after delivery.
Afterbirth Sitzbath by WishGarden Herbs’-
This is an herbal soak made specifically for women post-birth to soothe minor irritations. It is a unique formula of herbs and sea salts that helps to restore delicate tissues after birth, AfterBirth Sitzbath can also be used to support a healthy urinary tract.
TO USE: Soak in soothing sitzbath 1-3 times a day after delivery for up to 2 weeks. Place a handful (approximately 1/3 cup) into a quart of boiling water. Simmer for 5-10 minutes. Strain out herbs and reminaing liquid to warm water in sitzbath tub, available in most pharmacies. Less conveniently, a large bowl, or small tub, may be used instead. Be sure not over-dilute in full bathtub.
After birth, your perineal area will be swollen and painful… so usually at the hospital, they give you those large diaper pads and ice pads to break and feels like your basically wearing apillow right?? NOT comfortable in the least bit!! Not that after birth is comfortable, but if there is something we can do to make it a little better, then lets do it right?!
So these padsicles are literally just pads you use when you are on your menstrual cycle, and you pour witch hazel in them, roll them back up, put them in a ziplock bag (I use gallon bags) and put them in the freezer!!
After you give birth, you can take them out and unwrap them and use them just as you would for a normal pad, and they will cool you off and ease the pain!! FYI, these will not be solid rock in the freezer as if it were water and ice! So it will fit and shape your body and underwear!
Let’s talk boobies!!!
Guys, not in a bad way!!! God gave us these to feed our babies and keep them healthy!!! Whether or not you decide to breastfeed, that is up to you!! I personally will be breastfeeding as long as I can just as I did with my last 2 boys!!
My goal is to make it up to a year!! My first, I breastfed for 8 months, and with my youngest, I only did for 3 and was put on a medication that prevented me from feeding which I was so sad about… so I am on a mission to bond with my little baby boy and breastfeed as long as possible!!
I was told about bamboobies and how comfortable the yoga nursing bras are… so I grabbed myself one, along with the washable nursing pads!! I am so excited to use them as they simply go in the wash and I will not spend a ton of throw away pads where the leakage seeps through!! They also have night time pads which will be great to use if baby Josiah decides to sleep throughout the night!
I got the Bamboobies yoga nursing bra and the Bamboobies nursing pads from amazon.com!
And you know how when your breastfeeding, the other side usually leaks everywhere and you waste milk? Well, waste no more because these bad boys are supposedly amazing and works like wonders!! I will be using these silicone suctions to save as much milk as possible!!
If you are interested in grabbing yourself a set of these silicone suction breast cups, click to order!
So there you have it!! My top essentials that I am using and will be using during my first home birth experience! Although I am 38 weeks along right now, I am SO ready to deliver this baby!! I am at the end where I just feel ready… not a bad feeling, but the time is coming!!! So prayers for a healthy delivery and baby are welcome!!
If you have any tips and extra necessities and supplies that helped you with pre-labor, during labor, post labor, and for the baby, throw a comment below so we can all help each other have a wonderful and memorable experience!!