Online Fitness Coach Opportunity
A real chance at real freedom, real success, and real happiness!
The craziest thing I hear so many times recently is “Go get a real job.” Or “Oh, that Beachbody scam she does can’t possibly be a career.” Those people who are saying this to me, or hoping I would hear it… I am happily going to educate you on what I do so no one is confused and making these misconceptions about my career as a work from home mom and fitness coach.
4 years ago before starting this whole crazy Beachbody Coach gig, I was a full time ER Nurse. I absolutely loved what I did as a nurse, but 2 years ago, I quit nursing to stay home with my boys and work from home while still being able to fulfill my passion for helping others. But instead of helping people in the hospital, I was then helping people stay out of the hospital and preventing them from acute and chronic illness such as Diabetes (one of the worst diseases killing millions of people), cancer, obesity, heart disease, and more.
Since working from home and running my own fitness business, I have gained so much from life, than many with “real jobs” never get a chance to even experience… maybe thats why they don’t call what I do a real job??
Possible reasons why I am getting questioned about what I do:
- I sell products off a website
- I build a team which helps my long term income and stability
- I don’t clock in and out at a building with a name on it
- I don’t wear a uniform to work or have certain attire that is required daily
- I don’t have a boss to tell me what to do
- I run my business through social media and talk to people all over the US and Canada (and soon to be international)
- I didn’t have to go to college for this education or have a certain experience/training before starting
- Some of my trainings and trips I attend as a coach are at resorts, vacation spots, and I’m having a blast doing it
These reasons are absolutely reasons to question what I do! We are all entitled to our own opinion and have the right to be skeptical and curious!!! Which is WHY I am going to answer ALL these concerns!
- I do sell products off a site! I sell products that have changed MY life and my family’s and friends! They were my guinea pigs first along with myself to see if these products actually worked! What I have found is answers to many people’s questions and complaints about a healthy lifestyle! I found workouts with real certified trainers like the 21 Day Fix, Hammer and Chisel, and Core De Force, that help you get through a real workout. In these programs, you get nutrition plans with recipes to help you eat healthy for you and your family! You also get to calculate your caloric intake and figure out what you should be eating each day according to YOU and your lifestyle and goals. Oh, and that Shakeology stuff…. yes, thats real too! I have not found ANY other meal replacement shake that gives me the energy, helps my digestion and bloating, and gives me the nutrients and superfoods that Shakeology does. This isn’t for everyone either, this is for people who go for quality for their health and who want to live a healthy lifestyle the right way… working hard, exercising, healthy eating, and getting support, motivation, health and fitness tips from me as their coach! NO wraps, diet pills, patches, nothing temporary that could possibly be called a scam or bad products that don’t work! The only way it doesn’t work is if you stop trying! So I do sell products that are life changing, and I also sell health and happiness!
- I build a team which helps my long-term income. No, this is NOT a pyramid scheme and I do NOT make money from the people below me… If I am not working, people who signed up after me can pass me up and make more income than myself! How this does work though, is when you find other like-minded people who are ready to hustle and change lives, you are all building a team and helping others which builds volume, which leads to long term income that doesn’t disappear just because you don’t “sell” something that day or week. As I build a team, I do less “selling” and more training to help my coaches to become successful themselves in running challenge groups to help people along their fitness journey! I was able to triple my nursing salary when I actually quit nursing to work full time as a Beachbody coach, and I don’t know about you, but income is income and either way, that is food on my kids table and a roof over their head! I, just like others with a real job have been able to pay off debt, put money away for my children, take my kids on vacations, and have holidays for them without stressing about what is in my bank account… and not everyone with a real job can even say they can do that… I know working as a nurse, I still struggled to get debt paid off and have extra set aside.
- I don’t clock in and out of a building with a name or title on it. No, I don’t work at ____ Hospital anymore… I wake up and while my boys are still sleeping, I go downstairs sometimes in my Pj’s and answer a few messages. Then my boys wake up and I get them ready for school and my youngest Wes hangs out with me during the day and we work together, with a little play time in between! I also can take breaks when I need to so I can attend my kids events and sports which has been such a blessing! I do not have a time clock to where I get paid by the hour. I make up my own hours according to what is best for me and my family, and I can work wherever I feel like because my business is worked online! I don’t have to leave my kids.. they watch me help people via computer, phone, and if they are close, my challengers and coaches come over and we workout together, meal prep together, and have fun! I know that doesn’t even seem like a real job… it seems like a dream right?! Well, the beauty of your life is YOU get to pick what you do and where you work! You picked your life and career, and I will be in charge of mine!
- I don’t wear a uniform to work. Nope, I mostly wear workout clothes, but sometimes I work in my Pj’s! If I’m on a trip, I even wear a fancy outfit, or a bathing suit! I think my favorite part is the yoga pants though! They are pretty comfy and you can find really cool ones with cute designs!!
- I don’t have a boss telling me what to do. Nope.. I am MY OWN BOSS. I answer to myself. I don’t have someone I have to report to for an evaluation for a bonus or raise.. I simply help more people and give myself my own raise! Sounds pretty cool, right?!
- I run my business through social media. This might really get people. Like how can you run a real business using social media?!?! Well, it’s something called network marketing and it’s as real as it gets! You have the ability to not be stuck to help people or work with people only in the area you live! You have the ability to help people from all over, make friends from all over, and it’s a pretty wonderful thing! When you limit yourself to a local area, your limiting your success… this is an opportunity for you to change so many lives in so many different locations!! This is also how I share my journey and story so I can find other like-minded moms, military families, and fitness lovers who want to empower other women… because that is my true goal in life!! To empower women and help them see they can be independent, strong, and successful no matter what trials and tribulations they have encountered in their lives!
- I didn’t have to go to college or have an education to get my fitness coaching job. Sure didn’t, and that may come off crazy, but it’s not about how much you know, its about how hard your willing to work, how passionate you are about what you do, and how much your willing to learn and experience along the way! As a successful coach, I have my own trainings to help my team grow a successful home business themselves! I teach my team how to brand themselves, how to communicate with potential challengers and teammates, and learning about what Beach body is and what we stand for!
- I travel and my trainings are at resorts, vacations spots, and I have fun doing it! The problem with society is we are put in a place that we are suppose to think of a job is being something you hate going to… something you dread… all you who clock in on Mondays who work your 9-5 or swing shifts.. you dread Mondays and the start of another week…. I get it, I’ve been there and done that! But is that really how we should live?? I don’t live in a fantasy world, I live in a world that you should be happy and feel complete with what you do every day, because you spend a lot of your life doing that and you only live once and you better live it to the fullest! So yes, I have fun working, traveling, and spending quality time with my friends that I choose to work with… because I have that ability!
I have the ability to choose this as my career, just as you have the ability to choose your career and your happiness! I hope this whole Beachbody coaching gig makes a little more sense to you now. It’s a real job that can give you real freedom with your family and loved ones, real happiness, and real success!
Again, its not for everyone! Its for people who love to be healthy and want to share their journey along the way, want to make friends and surround themselves around other positive and uplifting people (because we are pretty positive… even in the darkest times we find faith, hope, and a good future), and aren’t afraid to work in yoga pants at any hours of the day you want!
If you read this and it seems like a perfect fit for you and you would be a great asset to my team Forever FIT, please fill out my application below for a spot in my New Coach Training so I can help you find that freedom, happiness, and success!!
*Team Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings for the most recent information on the actual incomes of all our Coaches.