Spring Cleaning with Your Fitness Journey!
Its so easy to let go of those health and fitness goals when the winter is here. We are easily covered up by those big sweaters and sweatpants and no one sees us in bathing suits at the beach. But now that spring is here and summer is right around the corner, those bathing suits are coming out! Do you want to have to be covered up by shorts and pants or do you want to feel confident and sexy in your 2 piece or cute little summer outfits?
I don’t know about you, but I’m game for feeling good about myself! Nothing is sexier than a confident woman! When you do not like the way you look, your face will show it, and everyone (including your kids) will sense that insecurity!
It’s time to set some goals, make an action plan, and start taking ACTION!!
- When I say set goals, I mean think of your long-term goals and short-term. Write them down on paper and put a date on it! When you do this, you are giving your goals a sense of urgency! Even better, when you set your goals, along with putting it on paper, put in on your phone or somewhere you will always see it! The more you see it, the more you think about it. The more you think about it, the more likely you will stay accountable!
- When making an action plan, I mean schedule out what you will do to reach those fitness goals! For me, I have a schedule of my workouts, I make a meal plan, and put everything in stone of what I WILL be doing to reach my goals… or should I say on paper?!
- Taking action is sometimes the hardest to do! Like people say, it’s easier said than done! BUT, when you do the first 2 steps, your more likely to stick to your plan and make it happen! How do I take action?
- I set an alarm and wake up at 6 am every morning… well almost!! Im human, not perfect lol! But I do get an A for effort!!
- I meal prep every Sunday so I am all set for success!! I take about 3 hours total on Sundays after church to get my groceries, make my meal plan on www.picmonkey.com, and start cooking away!! I love listening to personal growth and development every single day also to help me stay motivated and excited about my fitness journey! Some podcasts I listen to are Chalene Johnson “The Chalene Show” and MWF Motivation! Seriously, before you knock it, go give it a shot! It will change your life!!
- Positive self-talk!! Yes, you heard me!! Its unfortunately so normal to talk ourselves down, and talk ourselves out of doing things that we want to accomplish! Why I do my personal development and growth is because it has helped me completely change my mindset! It helps me remember to give myself positive talk and celebrate all my small successes along the way! Each morning, I will look in the mirror and tell myself what I AM… I am confident, I am happy, I am successful, I WILL conquer today.. and I will tell myself what I will achieve!! It may sound crazy, but your results will come from what you tell yourself! If you talk yourself down, you will become negative.. if you talk yourself up, you will find yourself being successful!!
So lets start NOW!! Now no better time will come! If you wait for the perfect time, you will be waiting a very long time!!
I am excited to start my new 60 day challenge with Hammer and Chisel where I will be incorporating cardio, weight training, and clean eating! I am a HUGE gym fan, so this home fitness program is a perfect way for me to have that similar atmosphere and workout with amazing results!! With my clean eating, you will notice in my meal plan below for this week, I drink Shakeology every day religiously and I absolutely love the nutrition benefits I receive! Its one thing to get a protein shake in.. it’s another to have a drink full of dense superfood nutrition! People do not realize how our crops are grown with our soil that is not dense and full of nutrients as it was 30 years ago. I understand some people like “whole foods”, but Shakeology was specifically made for those who DO care about how their veggies and crops are grown as they are picked from areas all over the world where the soil is best for growing crops!

Meal Prep Sesh!
So there you have it! Tomorrow starts my 60 days of my Spring Cleaning with Fitness and I would love nothing more than for you to join me on this journey!
If you have goals to reach: Losing 5-30 pounds, toning, building muscle, whatever it may be, I would love to help you along your journey to success! Please fill out the application below to be considered for my next 30 Day Fitness Challenge Group! You do not have to leave your house in order to reach your goals.. this can be done all in the comfort of your own home!