

Deidra Penrose, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, free clean eating group, challenge group, healthy support group, post halloween detox, weight loss journey tips, healthy mom tips, no more candy, you are what you eat, no more junk food, beachobody coach central PA, beachbody coach chambersburg PA, health and fitness coach online, top online fitness coach, work from home mom, fitness journey, weight loss challenge, lose 5 pounds in 1 week, fitness motivation tips, fitness inspiration, weight loss accountability, fitness accountability, fitness support group

Seriously, candy is EVERYWHERE!!! Are you with me?!? Every time I turned, I saw another piece!! Like, are my kids really going to eat all this, and if not, AM I?? 

Deidra Penrose, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, free clean eating group, challenge group, healthy support group, post halloween detox, weight loss journey tips, healthy mom tips, no more candy, you are what you eat, no more junk food, beachobody coach central PA, beachbody coach chambersburg PA, health and fitness coach online, top online fitness coach, work from home mom, fitness journey, weight loss challenge, lose 5 pounds in 1 week, fitness motivation tips, fitness inspiration, weight loss accountability, fitness accountability, fitness support groupIt’s time to think to ourselves, is this the lifestyle we really want for ourselves?? For our kids?? NO! Why would we want to put our children in a situation of being unhealthy, uncomfortable, and unhappy!!  It is OUR job as the parents to set the pace, and set a good example so we can all live a healthy fulfilling life!! 

So yes, it starts with US!! Do you have bad habits of your own with snacking, binging, emotional eating?? I will admit, I did very bad at one point in my life, and still I have days where it comes back and haunts me… BUT for the most part, I have managed to overcome my struggles with eating!! 

By having support and accountability EVERY day to get me through those cravings, temptations, and difficult times.  Every day, I have a group to check in to and this is my place to throw my struggles, and get re motivated!! By seeing others struggle with similar things, and surrounding yourself with people that have similar goals, pushes you to do better! 

Having a coach to check into daily is another source of accountability.  You know you never want to have to check in and say how bad you did, so you are pushed in the direction to do good and have a good check in!! Don’t get me wrong, we all have off days and days where we don’t want to check in at all because we totally fell off the wagon, but those days are our lessons learned and moments we realize we need to push harder!! Without having a place to check in, your left free to go do as you please with no consequences! 

Now, this is WHY I am offering my FREE 5 Day “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” Clean Eating Challenge… This group will give you a taste of what I provide my challengers with.  This is an example of how having daily support, motivation, and accountability can change your entire mindset and drive with your health and fitness goals! 

This challenge group is not something I came up with and am just trying.. its something I used to reach my goals, and I’ve consistently used it EVERY month for the past 3 years of my fitness coaching career, and I confidently can say IT WORKS!!   

Deidra Penrose, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, free clean eating group, challenge group, healthy support group, post halloween detox, weight loss journey tips, healthy mom tips, no more candy, you are what you eat, no more junk food, beachobody coach central PA, beachbody coach chambersburg PA, health and fitness coach online, top online fitness coach, work from home mom, fitness journey, weight loss challenge, lose 5 pounds in 1 week, fitness motivation tips, fitness inspiration, weight loss accountability, fitness accountability, fitness support group

Now, this is YOUR chance to set the example for your friends and family watching you, but also set the bar high for yourself and your own goals!! This healthy lifestyle is not impossible… it is something that takes practice, dedication, and commitment, and once you get into the routine, YOUR GOLDEN!! So let’s get you started!! 

If you would like a spot in my 5 DAY FREE CHALLENGE “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT”, Please fill out the application below!

*You must NOT be a current Beachbody coach or be working with a coach to participate in this group.  

Deidra Penrose, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, free clean eating group, challenge group, healthy support group, post halloween detox, weight loss journey tips, healthy mom tips, no more candy, you are what you eat, no more junk food, beachobody coach central PA, beachbody coach chambersburg PA, health and fitness coach online, top online fitness coach, work from home mom, fitness journey, weight loss challenge, lose 5 pounds in 1 week, fitness motivation tips, fitness inspiration, weight loss accountability, fitness accountability, fitness support group
Of course we can end with a little sense of humor!! YAASSS!!