10 TIPS For Staying Fit Over the Holidays!
How often are we doing so well and then these holidays come around and its like we totally lose site of our goals?!? I know I’ve been there, done that! But it does not have to be that way! If we can manage to keep that motivation and momentum going, and stay away from those temptations, there is NO reason we have to fall backwards during the holidays!
HOW are we going to stay away from the temptations?! Yea, I know its almost impossible, but there is something called “walking away”, and saying “no thank you”…. It will go a long way for you!!!
So if your at a party of family gathering and you do not want to be rude, think of it as asking them to support you and your journey! You are not being rude, but if they don’t support you, I would say thats not very nice either ;)- So ask your family for support and understanding that your goals are very important and you are on a mission to reach them!!
Some other tips to stay on track over the holidays:
1. Keep a motivational picture with you AT ALL TIMES– Whether its on your phone, in your pocket, it doesnt matter, as long as you can pull it out when your feeling weak and want to give in!
2. Prep ahead of time– If you do your weekly meal prep, there is NO reason for excuses that you do not have healthy food around or you have to go for fast food because you were in a rush and didn’t have time to cook something!
3. Bring a Healthy Dish– Instead of making those cheesy potatoes, dish with heavy cream sauces, or dessert loaded with sugar, take the healthy alternative…. Cauliflower potatoes, Homemade Guacamole Dip, Clean Eating Stuffed Mushrooms, Roasted Asparagus and Ham Wrap, or some yummy clean desserts like Black Bean Brownies, or Shakeology No bake Cookies!
4. Water water water- Take water wherever you go! I always pack extra and keep it in my car just in case!!
5. Limit your alcohol intake– I know sometimes people like to get a little crazy on the holidays, but if you have a goal, you gotta stick to it!! Portion control EVEN your liquid intake! For me, if Im drinking alcohol, I go with Vodka and water with a lemon! Less calories, less bloating, Keeps you more on track!
6. Have an accountability partner- Share your goals with a family or friend and ask them to hold you accountable. The more accountability, the better off you are!
7. Do not go to a party or gathering hungry– If you fill yourself up with dense nutrients before hand, you are more likely not to binge on food when you are there. One thing I do is have my health shake SHAKEOLOGY so I am full and not craving anything.
8. Get your workout in early- If you do your workout first thing in the morning, you are not only going to have a ton of energy for the day, but you are setting yourself up for success and you will feel a sense of accomplishment early in the day! You will have NO EXCUSES about not having time to get in your workout if you do it right when you wake up before you do anything else!
9. STAY POSITIVE- The more positive talk you can do for yourself, the more successful you will be! Talk to yourself out loud… I know it may sound silly, but if you tell yourself “I WILL DO THIS”…. “I WILL CONQUER THE DAY”… you will make it happen! You do what you tell yourself you will! PS. I start this right when I wake up! 🙂
10. Portion Control- I know I’ve said it, but I need to say it again… Portion control is very important! Even if you are eating whatever food is at your gathering, if you portion control, you will not fall back as far as you would if you put everything in your mouth you saw! If you give yourself a little taste of what that temptation is, remember the second bite is always the best and after that, its not needed!!
This holiday season is about staying healthy and enjoying the people around you! Food is not comfort, family and friends are!
The average person gains approximately 5-10 pounds over the holidays…
DO NOT let yourself fall into that percentage! This doe NOT have to be you!
**If you want accountability and motivation to continue your journey of health over the holidays, fill out my application below for a spot in my next fitness challenge group/support group!
This is your chance to have daily 1:1 coaching and support, nutrition and fitness tips, recipes, and more to reach your goals!
Your journey is all what you make it! The only way you fail is if you give up! YOU ARE NOT A QUITTER!! Stay positive, stay strong!!