I’m not sure who likes sales BUT I am a HUUUUUGE fan of sales and shopping (if you know me you truly understand how much I love it lol)…
And I have some really exciting news!!! What better way to start Black Friday and Cyber Monday than to start before any other sales start?!? LIKE TODAY?!?! YESSSSSS PLEASE!!!!
Every year, Beachbody has given the opportunity to people who would like to get save money and still reach their fitness goals! Its all about being healthy and continuing those goals!! There is NO reason to stop just because of the holidays!! so this is whats going down today BY 8pm eastern time!! So keep checking because supplies do not last long!!
If you are interested and would like me to help you as your
free coach, please go to
www.beachbodycoach.com/deidrapenrose2 and create your FREE account with Team Beachbody.
If you already have an account and would like to have me as your FREE coach, please find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Deidra.Penrose and message me or email me at [email protected] so I can help you get started!
If you create your Free account with me, I will contact you within 24 hrs!
• Burn up to 9x more fat and calories than traditional cardio with high-energy, intense cardio
conditioning, kickboxing drills, and choreographed moves set to heart-pumping beats.
• Have fun in the lively class setting with hot music mixes— it feels like a party in your living room.
How TurboFire works
• Shed fat faster with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) known as Fire Drills, short 1-minute bursts
of maximum effort.
• Burn calories at a higher rate for up to 24 hours after the workout with the Afterburn Effect.
TurboFire is for
• Anyone who wants to shape a lean body, sexy legs, toned arms, and tight abs, FAST.
• All workout levels – although TurboFire is considered an advanced program, there are special new
features to help beginners stick with the program.
• Anyone who enjoys working out to music and is a fan of kickboxing and intense cardio.
Features to help beginners
• In the Fire Starter Class, Chalene teaches the moves and combinations so newcomers can start off
on the right foot and Turbo fanatics can perfect their form.
• It’s the program everyone’s talking about—the #1 best-selling extreme fitness program in America.
• P90X is a revolutionary system of 12 muscle-pumping workouts designed to take you from regular to ripped
in 90 days and get you in the best shape of your life.
How P90X works
• The secret that’s made P90X a best-selling phenomenon is Muscle ConfusionTM.
• By constantly introducing new moves, this advanced training technique keeps your body’s muscles
continually challenged, so you can get better AND faster results. Your body never plateaus, and you never get bored.
P90X is:
• For anyone who wants to lose excess fat, gain lean muscle, prepare for athletic events, excel at sports, and improve their health.
• Designed for people who are fit and looking for an intense program for rapid results.
• Flexible, so that you can customize according to your fitness level and goals.
• An extreme program, and it’s recommended that you take the Fit Test before starting. If someone is not ready
for P90X, Power 90® is a great place to start.
Tools to challenge advanced users
• The Base Kit comes with 12 groundbreaking workout DVDs using weight training, resistance training, cardio, and even yoga. You’ll also get the P90X 3-Phase Nutrition Plan, P90X Fitness Guide, Tony’s How to Bring
It Video, a 90-day Workout Calendar to help you stay on track, and 24/7 Online Support for access to
P90X experts.
• The Deluxe Kit includes all of the workouts and tools in the Base Kit, plus a 30-day supply of P90X Results and Recovery Formula® post-workout drink, a professional Chin-Up Bar, the Chin-Up Max to help you bang out more reps, and three resistance bands.
Like P90X, P90X2 is a complete 90-day program, but with all-new, breakthrough workouts.
It takes the principles and foundation of the P90X® concept and adds cutting-edge training
techniques used by some of the world’s top pro sports trainers.
P90X2 builds agility, core strength, balance and athleticism.
P90X2 incorporates a breakthrough in sports science called Muscle Integration, which forces to
you engage your muscles with every move.
What’s included in P90X2?
12 workouts on 13 DVDs or 4 Blu-rayTM discs
P90X2 Fitness Guide
P90X2 Nutrition Guide
- P90X2 Workout Calendar
An extreme workout program designed to burn fat, build lean muscle, and get you ripped in
30 minutes a day.
The latest creation by extreme fitness expert Tony Horton, who found a way to help people get
exceptional results with shorter workouts.
Explosive 30-minute routines that are packed with dynamic, high-intensity moves, designed for
maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
What is the target audience?
People who have a hard time keeping up with a workout program because their schedules
are jam-packed.
Those who enjoy extreme workouts, but don’t like to waste time even when they’re not busy.
Men and women who simply enjoy shorter workouts that still get them in the best shape of
their lives.
Fans of Tony Horton and other extreme Beachbody® programs like INSANITY®.
What do people love most about P90X3?
Major studies show that you get the most out of a workout within the first 30 minutes.
Even those people with incredibly tight schedules can always find 30 minutes a day to work out.
Most moves in this program can be modified, so literally anyone at any fitness level can
do P90X3.
The first in-home, sports-specific training program based on drills used by pro athletes designed to
get you leaner, quicker, and stronger than ever.
Created by fitness expert and former track star Shaun T—who brought you INSANITY®.
You’ll enter the Athletic Matrix—Shaun T’s breakthrough training model that uses multi-directional
movements to activate multiple muscle groups at the same time.
INSANITY: THE ASYLUM will take you from average to elite in 30 days!
Who is the target audience?
• Graduates of INSANITY, P90X®, or other advanced fitness programs.
• Athletes who want to achieve peak performance.
• People who are already in good physical shape and are looking to take their fitness results to the
next level.
• Anyone who used to play sports and wants to “get it back.”
What do people love most about INSANITY: THE ASYLUM?
• It makes you better at the activities you love to do.
• It boosts your confidence, focus, and can give you the mindset to accomplish anything!
• It improves your body control, as your training uses moves performed in everyday life.
• All moves can be modified based on your individual abilities and needs.
LES MILLS COMBAT is the first home-based mixed martial arts–inspired workout program designed
to get you a lean, chiseled body—in just 60 days! -
All of these fat-burning, strength-building martial arts sequences have been carefully choreographed
to some of today’s most popular, energizing music—motivating you through the highs and lows of
the workout, and driving you to achieve your absolute best results!
Why is LES MILLS COMBAT so effective?
The secret to the program’s proven results is Fast Twitch Integration Training. LES MILLS COMBAT
works your fast-twitch muscle fibers—the ones with the greatest capacity for change—like crazy. It’s
a breakthrough fusion of the most dynamic moves from karate, tae kwon do, boxing, muay
thai/kickboxing, capoeira, and jiu-jitsu, arranged in explosive, escalating patterns—all designed to
help you burn massive amounts of calories, amp up your strength, and maximize your lean-muscle
definition, fast.
Who should do this program?
Men and women who are inspired by mixed martial arts.
Those at a beginning fitness level looking to enjoy fun, energetic moves that ramp up their cardio,
burn off their fat, and lean out their muscles.
Moderately athletic people who wish to take their bodies to the next level.
Extremely fit people who want to power beyond their limits, burn away their last few pounds, and get
totally shredded in 60 days.
Beachbody® and Les Mills International teamed up specifically to bring to the
world the best trainers, the best chart-topping music, and the best body-changing
PUMP moves, so the same results can now be achieved at home that millions of
people get in gyms every day.
Done three times a week, this barbell-based rapid weight loss and accelerated
strength-training program reshapes a person’s entire body extremely fast!
Why is LES MILLS PUMP so effective?
It’s all about THE REP EFFECTTM. Unlike traditional strength workouts, which
feature heavy weights that bulk people up, this program features light-to-
moderate weights used at a higher rate of repetition.
The constantly changing tempo, body position, and speed of THE REP EFFECT
breaks down more fat reserves, targets more muscle fibers, and burns more
calories than traditional weight training.
What are the workouts like?
It’s all about THE REP EFFECTTM. Unlike traditional strength workouts, which
• Muscles reach fatigue by performing 70-100 repetitions per body part. That’s
about 4 times more reps than one would typically perform in a standard gym
Do people really have to work out only 3 times a week? If they want, can they
work out on other days too?
• We encourage anyone to engage in non-resistance training workouts (such as
cardio or cross-training) on days that they’re not doing LES MILLS PUMP.
Who should do this program?
• People of all ages and fitness levels
• Men and women who want to lose weight and get fit
• People who want leaner, stronger muscles
• Those new to working out
Women who are afraid of getting bulky from lifting weights
Fans of BODYPUMP gym classes who like to work out at home
People who want to try something new ® ®
People who do other Beachbody programs, such as: P90X , RevAbs ,
TurboFire®, 10-Minute Trainer®, and INSANITY®
- Weightlifters who want to improve muscular endurance
• Slim in 6 is an in-home workout program that helps you melt away fat and sculpt a leaner,
sexier body in just 6 weeks.
• Because the moves are so easy to follow, Slim in 6 can work for just about anyone, even
people who’ve never exercised regularly.
• Trainer Debbie Siebers combines cardio and light resistance exercise to burn calories and
tone your whole body without creating bulky muscles.
How does Slim in 6 work?
• Debbie’s Slim Training® technique combines cardio with light resistance moves to create fast
weight loss and body-shaping results.
• You gradually increase your strength, endurance, and energy over three phases of intensity.
And because you train the same muscles 6 days a week, your body becomes lean and toned,
rather than bulky.
• You can lose up to 25 pounds in just 6 weeks. Guaranteed or your money back!
Who can benefit from Slim in 6?
• People who want to lose weight and get toned without bulking up
• Fitness beginners
• People who want a low impact or non-extreme workout
• People who want to lose weight fast
Hip Hop Abs (low impact for beginners)
Hip Hop Abs® is a 30-day, dance-based in-home fitness program designed
to help you burn fat and sculpt your abs without doing crunches or sit-ups.
It’s good for beginners as well as experienced exercisers.
Fitness trainer and professional dancer Shaun T teaches his easy-to-follow
moves step by step, so you can do it even if you think you can’t dance.
If you’re new to working out, you won’t need to buy any extra equipment.
All you need is a DVD player and room to move.
Why is it effective?
Hip Hop Abs uses cardio to burn calories, with special focus on toning your abs.
Shaun’s “Tilt, Tuck & Tighten” technique helps you work your abs the whole
time you’re dancing, so every move has the impact of a crunch or sit-up without
getting on the floor.
Shaun shows you how to activate your upper abs, lower abs, and obliques all at
the same time you’re burning fat. And the program has multiple workouts, so
you’ll never get bored.
If you are looking for support, accountability and motivation to help you with your goals, along with free fitness tips, recipes, and help with meal planning, please fill out an application for a spot in my next fitness challenge group!