Overall Health Transformation Success Story with Lorie S.
My mama has always been my biggest fan with everything in life. Even when I had no support anywhere else, she believed in me, and cheered me on. One thing in particular was with my career as a fitness coach with Beachbody. As I worked as an ER nurse, had my 2nd baby, I was ready to stay at home with my boys, but we didn’t have the finances to just let me stop working, so I decided to go with my passion with fitness and help others while working from home! Thats the freedom and opportunity Beachbody gave me! When no one believed in me, my mom was there. She was skeptical, but still knew how passionate I was, and said “Go for it, you’ve always been the person to do anything your heart desires and make it happen.” So I did.. pushed as hard as I could to be successful..
But one thing that I always had in the back of my head was
knowing if I can help my mom and get her to join me on this journey to better health and fitness, then I will be successful.. She was always on high blood pressure medication, anti-anxiety medication, high cholesterol medication, and was pre-diabetic. She always had the excuses though not to workout.. or I would literally find stashes of Reese cups hidden in her closet.. no joke.. literal closet eater.. I felt helpless and there was nothing I could do or say to help her.
There are moments that I doubted my mom would never find the right mindset to be happy with who she was. She was depressed, unhappy, and extremely unhealthy. The doctors told her that she would probably never get off of her medications again.
As I continued my fitness coaching career, I wanted nothing more than anything to be able to help my mom and for her to be happy but I knew that I couldn’t do it for her she had to be self-motivated and wanted it herself!
Something hit her at the beginning of this year. It wasn’t me that all the sudden made an impact on her, of course I never gave up on her but something inside of her changed. She had a burning desire to finally make the change!
I am so proud of her that since January, she has decided to change her life for the best and despite her health issues, limited movement in her left elbow, and her age and being postmenopausal, she was letting no excuses get in her way!
I am so proud to say that she has been so committed and dedicated to her own fitness and health journey that she is officially off her cholesterol medication, blood pressure medication, and anti anxiety medication, and is no longer prediabetic and now has gone from 225 to 195!
More than anything, she has energy that I’ve never seen before, she is happy all of the time and her spunky self, and just glows! I have my mom and would not trade this in for the world!!! This journey I have started is so much more than that.. My mom and biggest fan has joined me too and the best feeling ever is seeing the success she is now having because of this journey with Beachbody!!
She has completed the 21 DAY FIX, CIZE,SLIM IN 6, and currently doing HIP HOP ABS! She also is a clean eater (no more closet eater with Reese Cups), and drinks Shakeology DAILY which is her favorite meal full of super foods and dense nutrition that helps her energy levels, digestion, and cravings!!
I am so excited to be on this journey with my mom, and there is nothing more rewarding than helping others (of all ages) changing their lives and getting the results they have always wanted, but never pushed hard enough to reach them or found the right fit for them!
I am now looking for 5 people to join my next 30 day online fitness challenge/support group to get 1:1 coaching from me, daily support, motivation, health and nutrition tips, and recipes to be sure your on track with your nutrition!!
If you are interested in getting an exclusive spot in my group, please fill out the application below and I will contact you within 24 hours!