Beachbody Coach Journey to Figure Competition
As I have been into fitness most of my life, being involved in gymnastics, dance as a small child, basketball, volleyball, track and cheerleading during my middle and high school years, and dance team in college, it has always been a special place in my heart! I worked out at the gym since my senior year of high school and became a personal trainer after I graduated, along with doing my first fitness competition when I was 18 years old. I was definitely not prepared the way I should have been and did not have a trainer who was experience in fitness competitions, but I didn’t do it to win either. I was so proud of myself for showing up!
After my fitness competition, I was a yo-yo dieter, worked out at the gym all the time, but varied 10 pounds ALL THE TIME! I never was consistent, never really reached a fitness goal (although I tried many times) and I think the reasoning was because I never had a big WHY behind reaching that goal. I would work out and come home and eat a jar of peanut butter and yes, a box of oreos, but I needed to dip every one in milk! I would put maybe 5 in at a time, wait til they got soggy, and dug them out with a spoon and shoved them in my mouth without a worry about the consequences.
Then I got married, nothing really changed, except getting pregnant. I continued working out at the gym here and there, but my eating habits then made a turn for the worse! I was not a healthy pregnant… Not an “all belly” type of pregnant.. Arbys and ice cream were my best friends! My weight sky rocketed and I was up to 191 when I delivered. 60 pound weight gain with my first! After I had Chase, I got back into working out at the gym, and it took a good 4 months to get back to my weight. Did I not get the memo that nothing looked the same!?!? Seriously, I was the same weight, with a different body! I continued doing my thing, working out here and there, binge eating and then back on track… never had accountability, so there was nothing to keep me on track. I had no will power. Then I got pregnant yet again! BABY #2… I wanted to have a different pregnancy.. a healthy one. Still, without support and accountability, I gained 50 pounds and not a healthy 50 pounds. This was me before delivering my second son.
WHAT CHANGED?! My life!! HOW?!?! I found hope! 6 weeks after having my second son, I was so disgusted with myself that I couldn’t even bare to look in the mirror. I was embarrassed for my husband to see my naked. It put a damper on our relationship. I decided to take a leap of faith and begin INSANITY, a beachbody program that is a home workout program that includes a nutrition guide to follow and I also started incorporating SHAKEOLOGY, which is Beachbody’s health shake meal replacement full of high quality nutrients. I was skeptical and thought it was too expensive, but after talking to my husband and figuring out the math, I said “4$ a day is cheaper than my binging on fast food and even starbucks alone… Heck I pay 4$ for my chicken salad that does not even have all the dense nutrition.” So I gave it a shot. I needed desperate help with my nutrition. I had so many bad habits I needed to get rid of, I needed my energy back for my kids, and I was so afraid of having them grow up thinking they had an unhealthy mommy that had no energy to play and keep up! My kids became my WHY to start my journey! I joined a 60 challenge group that gave me daily support and accountability, also providing me with tips and recipes to keep me going!
Having Insanity at home was the best thing for me! I didn’t have to leave my kids, I did my workouts while the kids were sleeping, or content, and I had a meal that I didn’t have to worry about and I knew I was feeding my body with natural, whole foods!
Within weeks, the results started to come! I was gaining energy, my cravings were going away, and my digestion was improving! Months came and I was toning and losing weight! After Insanity, I couldn’t stop there. I moved onto another fitness program called TURBO FIRE! I loved dancing all my life, and this high impact cardio was exactly what I needed to move forward with my goals! This program by Chalene Johnson is so motivating and she is so inspiring and keeps me pushing even though I wanted to give up! It was like having a personal trainer in my house!! After losing 25 lbs and 25 inches, I decided that having the accountability and motivation in my challenge group I was participating in was exactly what I wanted to give others! I loved the way I felt and I wanted to share this with as many people as possible!
I became a beachbody coach! I have been continuing my fitness journey with my home DVD programs, eating clean, and drinking Shakeology daily! I have never felt better! I am running challenge groups every month to help others reach their goals and find happiness and confidence, and also looking for others who have that same passion for fitness who want to help others on their journey but also earn financial freedom! Nothing feels better than building a career that I can do from home, be with my kids, and be a great role model for them all at the same time!
I have reached all my fitness goals through my beachbody programs, clean eating, and shakeology.
Now its time to take a step forward!
I decided to go for my first NPC Figure Competition!
One of my favs- Turkey burger with salsa and grilled peppers! BODY BEAST CARDIO- 30 min!
I am getting a lot done at home! I am reaching my goals, and so excited! My eating has been better than before, so I am getting there! Next week, you WILL see improvement! My nutrition I feel was holding me back.. I think when I know Im not allowed something, it makes me want it more, if that makes any sense?!?! Yea, Im crazy!!
Thanks to my challenge groups, my challengers and fellow coaches have kept me on track and motivated to continue!! Also everyone else with the messages!! They are definitely helping now! I see why I run the challenge groups! There is nothing better than having support and accountability 24/7!!
If you are looking to begin or continue your fitness journey and want that support and accountability that has helped me and my challengers and coaches in so many ways, please fill out the application below for a spot in my next 60 day challenge group!