Week 1 Prep NPC Figure Competition
So last week, I made my announcement that I am going to start training for my very first Figure NPC show! I am someone who goes all in when I commit to something, so I am thrilled to see what is to come!! When I was 18, I did a fitness show, but now looking back, was totally unprepared!! So lesson learned, I am starting just a little early and slowly get into the routine so I am not stressing so much towards show time!
I am learning so much even in my second day in with training!! I was a personal trainer years back, but this is a different world over here! I am already cutting back my favorites—- PEANUT BUTTER AND FETA CHEESE!! Oh you have no clue how lost I feel without these foods haha!! I think its all mental, but I know I want this bad enough, so I will be just fine!!
After seeing my trainer, and he took a look at my body and what I need to work on, I was surprised to hear his answer! I definitely need to bulk and tone my legs like crazy, and my back and shoulders need work, but my arms were too big? HAHA I knew they were huge, but I didn’t know they needed to be smaller for the show! I am happy to hear this though, because I have some issues about how big they are, so hopefully with this training, it will help my own insecurities about them!
Yesterday was day 1 and leg day!! OHHHH leg day how I love you and hate you at the same time!!! HAHA! I love my squats and lunges, but after doing my workout, I thought my legs were going to give out on me! But who care, I MADE IT!!! This calls for tons of stretching!!!
This morning I did my light cardio (30 minutes) of power walking with a little hill, and then afternoon was my back day! So Im a fan of pull ups, but only when I whip them out and don’t focus on holding at the top and contracting my muscles lol! This was different than what Im use to, so of course, I was tired after the first set! I know with time, I will get better so I will focus on progress, not perfection!!
Now, is the exciting part!! Im not sure if many people have done this, but many of you know I am a Beachbody coach… We have home fitness programs, and SHAKEOLOGY, our health shake meal replacement! Well, I will be incorporating all of this into my regimen to prep for my show! I have gotten this far with ONLY using my home fitness programs and Shakeology and was able to get pretty lean, so I am going to continue getting my dense nutrition through my shakes!
Daily Multi-Vitamin
Pre Biotics
Pro Biotics
Digestive Enzymes
Amino Acids
Being that it is all natural, Im definitely going to continue this as long as possible!
For the workouts, since I am already pretty lean, I am going to stick with PiYo by celebrity trainer Chalene Johnson, to help me with my strength and flexibility. It is low impact, so this is perfect for my training! Eventually, I will get into higher cardio workouts, but not until closer to show day. For now, I need to work on building muscle!
For my meals, I am eating WAY more than I thought I would!! For this week, I am doing 3 heavy carbs a day, tons of protein (about 30 grams per meal) and veggies! I also am replacing 2 meals with Shakeology. I have some healthy fats such as raw unsalted almonds and coconut oil.
This is what my meals look like this week… Each week will change, according to how my body is changing 🙂
DAY 1:
Chest: 35.5
Waist: 29
Hips: 36.5
Bicep right: 11
Bicep left: 11
Thigh Right: 20.5
Thigh Left: 21
And here you are!! Time to get accountable and go all the way!! I am sooooo hungry right now, so Im going to have some green tea and go shopping!! HAHA!! What better way to get hunger off your mind!! 🙂
I would love for you to continue following my journey of 20 weeks of training to my first Figure NPC competition! I will need all the motivation I can get and cannot do this alone!!
If you yourself have been thinking about doing something like this, it doesn’t matter how far you have to go, it matters if you want it bad enough and are willing to train hard enough for it! I would love to help you get into the best shape of your life!! 🙂