How is that New Year’s Resolution Going?

Really though, how is your New Year’s Resolution going? Statistics show that the #2 resolution set for 2020 is diet/weight loss goals and people tend to fall off after the first 2 weeks! So I am curious if you are still motivated or falling off and losing momentum.
I hope that you are absolutely rocking those goals. Because I know how good it feels when you are eating healthy, exercising your body, and keeping a positive mindset!
But for those of you who are struggling in the first month into the new year, I want you to know YOU CAN DO THIS!
This is the time where you look for tips and ways to stay on track and to stay motivated to keep going!! I want you to be the small percentage of our population who sticks with their resolutions and comes out strong!

One of my best tips for you is to PLAN ahead! That means not only with your workouts but with your meals! Nutrition is a huge part of our results, and if you plan ahead, you are more likely to stay on track and not fall off because you don’t have the time to cook. I take 2-3 hours one day a week (usually on Saturday or Sunday) and cook up all my meals and put them in containers for the week!

Another tip I have is to involve yourself in a support group that can encourage you and cheer you on during your journey! I run virtual boot camps every month and they have helped so many people reach their goals because they are not alone and have that extra accountability!

Lastly, I want to challenge you to set smaller, attainable goals that are more short term to help you stay motivated to get to your bigger goals! If you are only focused on that huge goal, it will be easy to feel defeated and can cause people to want to give up! So small goals with a deadline that is short term so you can celebrate along the way to that end goal! I love making goal boards so I can physically see those goals daily and make it a priority and give it a sense of urgency by throwing a deadline on it!
I hope you are ready to keep going strong with your 2020 goals!! You got this!! And if you are looking for extra help and support for your journey, please apply below to join my virtual fitness Bootcamp where I help my clients physically, but also spiritually and mentally!