Staying In Shape At Home with Kids: Home-made Obstacle Course!
Alright, so here’s the deal… I got kids (boys), and they are a little crazy! If you are a mom of boys, you probably know where I’m coming from!
I need to get my workout in, and they like to interrupt, get in my way during my workout, and more. But one thing I refuse to do is let that STOP me from working out and reaching my goals!
Instead, I turn it into something fun!! So here it is! This should have been posted yesterday instead of today, but better late than never right?! This was yesterday morning (Wednesday) and our family workout…. an OBSTACLE COURSE!!!! Yea buddy!!
I gave them instructions, I make them crawl, jump, and lift! They love the challenge, and drill sergeant mommy (me) is also getting a workout while watching these rug-rats go crazy and stay active at the same time!! So much better than playing on the iPad or watching TV (sometimes its really hard to peel them away from these items).
Come on, doesn’t this look fun for everyone?! Quality time, exercise, and showing them what a healthy lifestyle looks like all in one!!!
So here you go… just another page of our story to share and my secret to getting my boys to exercise with me is out! If you have not tried this yet, give it a go!! It is actually lots of fun and challenging… especially when mommy tries fitting under the kids table doing army crawl!! HAHAHA!!!
Hope y’all have a great day!!!
Stay healthy, fit, and happy!!