One thing I love about sharing my journey is that it keeps me accountable… It’s my journey, and its REAL! If you have been following me, I was on week 1 not too long ago with my 21 DAY FIX EXTREME journey… and did not make it 21 days. I had some set backs, doctor visits, blood work, and more motivation to continue moving forward with my journey NO MATTER what obstacle gets in my way!
I have never felt so OLD in my life… literally like I’m 80 years old. I was retaining tons of water, my joints have been achy. Literally, it takes my 2 minutes to limp around before I can feel slightly normal. My body cramps with little movements. If I plank, my triceps cramp, if I turn my upper body, my abdomen cramps, its actually really pathetic! I was taking potassium and magnesium supplements for the cramping and it hasn’t helped, along with drinking a gallon of water a day.
My Doctor appointment was pretty darn disappointing. As a nurse, I am pretty educated, and have a good background of knowledge, but this was just pathetic. As I go in, I say what my symptoms are. Oh, she had a reason for EVERYTHING that was wrong with me… in her eyes.
I was told I’m turning 30, which is WHY I had a 15 pound weight gain in 4 weeks. “As we start again and turning 30, you will notice it is much harder to keep that weight off.”…. UMMM, HELLO, THIS HAPPENS IN 4 WEEKS?!?! REALLY?!?!
Then I was told I am—> BORDERLINE OBESE…. Ok I may have wanted to walk out… punch her.. not sure, I had so many emotions going on at that moment… Instead I broke down in the office… “Yea, I’m here because I gained 15 pounds in 4 weeks and am RETAINING TONS OF WATER!” Now your calling me borderline obese, with abs?? HMMM OK!
Then…. “You are cramping because you are not drinking enough fluid”… my response… “So that gallon of water a day means WHAT TO YOU??”
So THEN….. I get a prescription for LASIX?? Without even knowing what the heck is wrong with me???
Literally, I walked out just crushed. … and with a paper for lab work.
Next day, I fasted and had my blood work done and got a call a couple days later that it was “abnormal” and need to get checked for my A1C because I may be Diabetic??
Good thing I am educated enough to know that 100 is NOT ABNORMAL!!!
Nothing like trying to put you on meds for no apparent reason, additional blood work for no apparent reason…. I guess thats how some Doctors work these days?? I know not all are like this, but pretty upsetting that I’ve encountered 3 in the same practice with NO HELP with what my issues are.
So that has been my journey during my first 21 Day Fix Extreme attempt… I’ve been emotional about it, upset, mad, but realized at the end of the day—-> ONLY I CAN CONTROL THE CONTROLLABLE!!
Well, I sure as hell did NOT take the Lasix! Instead, I took the alternative route and the 3 DAY REFRESH got me started! During the refresh, I lost 5 pounds.. It got me focused on and gave me belief that I can make it happen on MY OWN, without unnecessary medication.
SO… after my pity party, crying about it, and feeling like a failure, I PICKED BACK UP and MOVED ON!!
Time for a RE-DO!! Yup you heard me! This girl ain’t going down that easy!!! 🙂
I am almost 1 week into the 21 DAY FIX EXTREME, and going strong! I have continued losing since my refresh that I started back up with and I am pushing through.
Im fighting through my workouts, yes, I modify some, my joints still ache, Im taking anti -inflammatories, and just making it happen!!
Im focused on clean eating… I know eating fresh, lean, and clean will ONLY help my results!!
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My breakfast almost every morning! |
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My new favorite–> Mahi Mahi (from BJ’s food store) |
Iv’e been sticking with my SHAKEOLOGY every day, drinking tons of water.. and Green Tea.. and using that as a cleanse and being as normal as I can!! 🙂
My conclusion is… no matter what struggles you encounter, if you want something bad enough, you MUST put on your BIG BOY/GIRL PANTS ON and GET OVER IT! We are ALWAYS going to struggle through different issues in life, but just because times get tough, doesn’t mean you can give up!
Your struggles are put in front of you for a REASON!! God has a plan and He knows it is only going to make you a stronger person in the end!!
So if you are struggling, questioning on if this is right for you….. DO NOT HOLD BACK! Push through, get over your fear, your obstacles, your doubts and DO IT!! The only way you can succeed is if you START!
If you are ready to start your journey, let me help you… Daily motivation, tips, recipes, and accountability to keep you going strong, fill out this application below for a spot in my next fitness challenge group! Here you will learn new healthy habits to create that healthy lifestyle you have been wanting!
Jen H
June 15, 2015 at 2:04 pmI understand your frustration. While I don't have as many struggles, I have IBS and I find that I get flare ups often and if I don't eat 100% clean allllll the time I gain weight so easily…I'm talking like 10 pounds without even trying! I'm starting 21 Day Fix Extreme again today actually, I am determined to make it through the 21 days this time!
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