HOW I Grew A Successful Fitness Career from my Own HOME!
As I am sitting outside WORKING at home with my kids, I am feeling so blessed that this amazing opportunity was given to me just 2.5 years ago. But many people think, “I could never do something like that..” Well, Guess what?! I FELT THE SAME WAY!!
Now I want to SHARE with you how I got to this position in my life as a Home Fitness Coach!
As a nurse, I was working swing shifts, holidays, with 2 kids, ages 1 year and 6 weeks old. I began my own fitness journey and loved how my body was changing. I knew there was opportunity to create a career with fitness, but I thought, WHY would I throw away my 4 year Bachelors degree in Nursing to make fitness as a career?? Is that even a career?? That is exactly what I thought!
Then I realized that as I was sharing my journey with others about how my home fitness programs through BEACHBODY and SHAKEOLOGY has changed my life! It wasn’t just the weight lost, but my increase in energy, decrease in cravings, decrease in bloating, improvements with my digestive system, and being able to create healthy habits that my children can see and one day, follow in my footsteps!
I felt it was only right to help others feel this same way! As I shared this opportunity with others who were trying to find themselves through diets, diet pills, starvation, and surgeries, I realized I was changing lives 1 by 1! As I was helping others, I didn’t realize that I was actually bringing in income to support my family and to help pay the bills!! My goal was to replace what we pay in groceries every month.. then I continued helping others, and it became an income to pay for groceries AND daycare!
Fitness became a PASSION to me… I honestly can not say 1 negative thing about putting your and your family’s health FIRST!
Its about being the best version of YOU and inspiring others around you!
*2.5 Years later, with consistency and continued passion for what I do, I retired as a nurse and pursued my passion as my full-time Career!
I will say, I did not start full time! I put in 30 minutes here and there, shared what I am doing to everyone I knew, invited others to join me on my journey, and most importantly, did NOT give up because others didn’t approve, or were annoyed by what I shared! For those who made comments, UN-FRIENDED me (yes even people who were “supposedly my best friends”) or talked behind my back, I knew those people were NOT true friends… So WHY would I give up on something to please them and not myself?? Do they really have an impact on my life if they don’t support me? Absolutely NOT! I knew I would inspire more than I would bother! And everyone knows, that “unfriend” button is right at the top!
My success for helping others is way more important than what others think of me and I was NOT that person at one time.. I always cared what people thought of me.. that is until the reward of not caring came along! So, yes, we will have struggles, obstacles, just like ANYTHING else in life, but I promise, that reward is so much greater!!
Now I am staying home with my kids after only 2.5 years of dedicating myself to my fitness career part-time… I can now live life by design! I control me, my business, my hours, my vacations, my office, my income, EVERYTHING!!
I am now looking for 10 people to join me on this journey to success and happiness! It’s time to surround yourself with people who lift you up!
If you are you passionate about your health and fitness goals, love helping others, and are looking to provide financial freedom for you and your family, please fill out the application below for an opportunity that will change your life as a Fitness Coach working from home!