So we have all 5 kids with us for a few weeks and we are so excited to have everyone together!! This is by far the hardest part of having a blended family is the distance between my husband and his kids not seeing each other often, and it gets harder for me and the boys not seeing them a lot. ...
healthy family tips
Hey guys! I am so excited to share with y’all the NEWEST upcoming release that will be officially out July 12!!!! SHIFT SHOP!! Chris Downing is our newest Super Trainer with Team Beachbody who is pretty amazing and has been so passionate about this journey and really helping others get to ...
As a mom, sometimes it’s tough to get our kids to fuel those little bodies because they are picky, and just don’t always like to eat! I have done trial and error with my kids and have found some easy healthy ways to get them to enjoy eating without putting tons of artificial ...
I always say, healthy mom/dad, healthy kids!! Our kids do exactly what we do.. they watch every move we make, every step we take!! So it is so important that if we want them to live a long, healthy lifestyle, then we as parents need to promote it too and practice what we preach!! The more we ...