A feeling of Gratitude
Did you ever have a job where it brings you so much joy that it almost becomes your place to WANT to wake up to and start each day? This is me. I love what I do. This weekend, I was with my team and company and was feeling overwhelmed with gratitude. I am excited to recap on our Super Saturday event and share all the incredible memories that were made!

It started obviously with celebrating my 100 days of my workout program being complete with the creator herself. Having Jericho allow me to sweat on stage with her was my happy place. I started my journey with caching because I love the hardcore workouts. I love the sweat, the adrenaline rush, the community.

Then it led to watching my own coach speak on stage where she shared her hard. She shared her hard while being so brave and strong just to serve someone else who may need to hear it so they can keep going. I sat there so proud and I watched her own that stage.

Then my story was shared with my hard. My coaches were able to sit right beside me and support me through the emotions. Again, that community.

After that, I was grandma coach and was invited to my coach’s Friendsgiving party… that same coach who was just sharing how much she is going through.

She served us incredible food, had activities to do, gifted us with comfy blankets and socks to cuddle together, and loved on every one of us.


THIS is why I’m here.
THIS is why I let go of that nursing career.
THIS has made me stronger.
THIS has made me braver.
THIS has helped me grow in my faith.
THIS has given me confidence to do what others told me I couldn’t.
THIS has given me incredible friends that will last.
THIS has helped me with my health.
Now, how about you? Could this be you with us next?
My new coach mentorship is starting 11th. Apply below if you are ready to link arms with me on this journey! ?