10 Ways to Stay FIT & Healthy
Do you ever think… “It’s just too much work…”
“I don’t have time to workout and cook healthy meals.”
“I can’t afford to eat healthy and workout at a gym.”
As a fitness coach, those are the typical every day objections I hear from people who are not willing to putting their health first. It’s unfortunate that people are quick to spend money on items that are not NEEDED, but WANTED… Fast food because they “don’t have time”, but then say they can’t “afford” healthy food…
I want everyone to realize, fast food is just as expensive as healthy food. It’s all on what you make it! That is why I focus with my customers and challengers on saving while eating on a budget! There are so many ways to eat healthy while budgeting.
The most important thing to do to start your fitness journey is to START! If you don’t start, you will be stuck in the same unhappy place forever. Do not do that to yourself! You are worth more than that! Think of those (including yourself) you are impacting with your day-to-day choices: Family, friends, KIDS, and others who may look up to you for help, motivation, and support! Whether you believe it or not, SOMEONE is watching you and learning from you! So start being the best you can be for YOU, but also those watching and learning from you!
Now, I want to give you my TOP 10 Ways to Stay FIT…. I know it’s not always easy, but I promise it’s always worth it!!
- Get into an exercise program and complete it- When you incorporate a program with a time frame, it seems more realistic and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel! If you do not have ability to go to a gym, there are TONS of home fitness programs to follow that have a set schedule to follow with a nutrition plan such as 21 DAY FIX (variety of different exercises in 30 min workouts), CIZE (dancing cardio), BODY BEAST (weight training), PiYo (yoga/pilates), and more!
- Drink more WATER- Did you know water increases your metabolism, removes toxins from your body, hydrates you, and helps you know the difference between hunger and boredom? Drink at least half your body weight in ounces EVERY day!
- Get your SLEEP- Yes, not enough sleep can totally set you back from your goals! Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a day will help your metabolism, concentration, and improve your brain function!
- When in doubt, take the healthier route- I know its easy to park closer to the store or take the escalator.. But if you have the opportunity, burn a few extra calories and work those muscles! Improve your cardiovascular system by taking the steps, parking far away and walk more!
- Eat more HEALTHY food- Eating foods high in lean protein, healthy fats, high fibrous carbohydrates such as veggies, and good complex carbs such as whole grain bread, and pastas, sweet potatoes, and fresh fruits!
- Eat every 3 hours- As you fuel your body every 3 hours, your metabolism will increase, therefore, you will burn more calories throughout the day. Make sure these meals are smaller, more nutritious meals rather than large meals every 3 hours where extra calories turn into fat.
- MODERATION- If all these rules seem so difficult, the simplest rule to follow is use moderation! Portion control will save you! If you MUST have that cheat meal or dessert, don’t starve yourself of it… that will cause binging. Use the 3 bite rule… Take 3 bites and move on! Then you don’t have to feel like you are in food jail!
- POSTIVE mindset- I find if I wake up every morning and give myself positive talk, you will have a positive outcome! This may sound silly, but look in the mirror and tell yourself, “I am STRONG.” “I am SUCCESSFUL.” “I will WIN the day.” A positive Patty will get you so much further than a negative Nelly!
- Personal GROWTH- Personal development or personal growth is one of the best things I can do for my mental health and confidence as a person! Reading 15- 30 minutes of a good book or listening to an audio will help you gain satisfaction in your life you never thought was possible!
- Set GOALS- Yes, I said it! If you do not set goals for yourself, what direction are you going in life?! If you want to achieve something… whether it be career goals, personal goals, relationship goals, financial goals.. write them down and hang them up somewhere where you can see them EVERY day! The more you physically see them, the more they are stuck in your head and the more likely you will take steps to achieve them!
For more tips on fitness and clean eating and getting daily support and accountability to help you reach your health and fitness goals, please fill out the application below for an exclusive spot in my next 30 day fitness challenge!