2015 Healthy New Year, New Forever FIT Results!!
Did I just not post for an entire week?!?!? Yes!! I took off work and enjoyed every minute with my boys!!!! But now its back to the grind and back on track!! I will admit, I think I had a cheat meal once a day for 3 days lol!!! But, I kept up with my exercising training for my show, so I didn’t gain, but needed to lose!! RUH ROH ;)- On another good note, I stayed away from the cheesecake that stared at me the entire time I was at my in laws!! The home made macaroni and cheese did it for me ;)-
So here I go!!! I am totally getting ready for a new year!! How about you??!
What am I going to do to make this year the BEST year yet?
1. Set goals for myself– The more you set goals, the better chance you have to succeed… whether its fitness goals, health goals, financial goals, relationship goals, etc. Make your goals realistic and timely! Putting a deadline on these goals shows they are important and are a priority!
2. Write your goals down– Writing them on paper and telling someone your goals will help you stay accountable for reaching them! I know scary right?!? But if you don’t, then it makes it ok if you don’t reach them… you are better than that!! 🙂 I write mine on paper and put my goals somewhere where they are always in view… on my fridge, on my phone, on my mirror!!
3. Make a plan of action- Making goals is great, but then what?! In order to reach that goal, you MUST plan out how you are going to get there! Remember, it will NOT happen over night, so its important to know small steps leads to success!! Think about it, eating a piece of cake will not make you over weight over night nor will it give you diabetes, but the compound effect (making it a habit over and over again) will lead you to failure and potentially deadly illness!
4. Make yourself accountable– If you hold yourself accountable, you are more likely to get those tasks or plan of action done! For instance, with my health and fitness goals, I use my challenge groups (support groups) that I check in daily to make sure I eat clean and get my daily workout in! When I check in my groups, I become more motivated to continue reaching my goals!
5. Find a success/support partner- Find someone with similar goals and work together to motivate each other. The more motivation you have, the more momentum you have to get to your goals! I found my success partner with coaching through my team… We talk weekly, tell each other our goals, and help each other reach them! When times get tough and we get frustrated, we vent to each other and the other is always there to lift the other up!
6. Track your progress– How do you know how close or far you are from your goals if you do not track your progress along the way? As I do in my challenge groups, my challengers take before pictures and measurements so they know where they are starting, along with day 30 and 60 (after) so they can see their improvements or know what they can improve on!
7. Positive talk EVERY morning– This may sound silly to you, but I swear by it!! Every morning, I tell myself what I will accomplish and I say something positive about myself!! Your mind will make what you tell yourself… For instance, if you say you can’t do something, you won’t! But tell yourself you can and you are worth it, YOU WILL!!
8. Motivate yourself– Find a quote, picture, or audio that you can look at and/or listen to that will motivate you when you are feeling frustrated or weak! What a perfect “pick me up!!”
9. Get involved– My way of making 2015 the best year is to stay involved in clean eating and exercise! Nothing feels better than feeling healthy… This then leads to confidence, happiness, and a longer life!
10. Do NOT give up– The only way you fail is if you quit! No matter how long it takes, how many time you mess up, KEEP going!!
How can you start your new healthy lifestyle?
Starting January 5th, I am hosting a fitness challenge 60 days long, that will provide you with daily tips, recipes, motivation, support, and accountability to help you reach your ultimate health and fitness goals.
Whether it is gaining more energy, losing your last 10 lbs, losing 100 lbs, losing the cravings and bloating, tone, build muscle, learn better eating habits, start exercising, or kick unhealthy habits, we’ve seen success with it all, and nothing feels better than doing it with others who have similar goals!
This was my start to my new beginning, along with my other challengers and coaches… what has happened since? RESULTS happened! Now I am looking for more individuals who are serious and ready to commit!
If you are ready for the change, please fill out my application below for a spot in my next fitness challenge and let’s kick off your new year the right way and in the right direction!!
Also, please add me on Facebook to get more support and motivation at Facebook.com/deidra.penrose
Fill out my online form.
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