When people say you get moody, emotional, and feel like you don’t even live in your own body for the last few weeks of your show, did they mean starting 8 weeks out?! I cannot believe how different I feel! I am not sleeping, I dream like 5 dreams a night lol, and am more emotional than when I was pregnant!
I give competitors so much credit for being able to do these shows on a regular basis! Your body goes through so many changes its unreal! Its one of those things where you just have to experience it to understand what I mean…. On another note, this has definitely been rewarding and worth it! I never thought I would be able to stick with something so strict and have this much will power and dedication. Prepping for a show gives you this huge sense of accomplishment that is just amazing!!
This weekend, I did order all my stuff I need for my show! I got my suit ordered and is being made right now, I ordered my cute robe, my jewelry which came in today, and also my heels! EEEEEK this is seriously so exciting!! Reality is officially hitting!!
Drinking my SHAKEOLOGY while on the road! Setting myself up for success! |
I traveled home to my moms this weekend and am so proud of how dedicated I have been!! Its crazy how you don’t think you can do something until you do it! It really changes how you believe in yourself!
Every morning I got up at 5 am to do my cardio and get a little work done!
I’m not going to lie, I was full of energy over the weekend…. but its slowly fading away!! I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have made it without my E&E pre workout formula!
Not sure what anyone else does on the weekends, but I was partying at the gym, then grilling at night lol!! It feels good to be good!! I feel great, satisfied… and although I am not doing the things many others do on a Saturday night, I know when Im on stage, I will not regret any minute spent prepping for this show!! Its all about setting yourself up for success!!
Totally needed a rice cake or 2 for energy before hitting up the gym at night! |
My yummy chicken and veggies I have had every day!! I don’t think I would ever get sick of eating this!! |
One thing I got the opportunity to do this weekend was Sunday, there was a bodybuilding show by my moms house that was right about the same level as what I am doing… It was NPC and a smaller show, so it really helped me see what I am suppose to look like, but more importantly, see them pose up close so I can nail that part down.. Posing is probably the most difficult thing for me right now and I just still shake like crazy!
My boys and I at the Bodybuilding show!! They were so good while mommy got to relax and watch how the posing goes so I can be prepped and ready!!
Here is my meal plan/workout schedule for the week:
Monday: BACK DAY
Am- CARDIO when waking up (plyos)
Breakfast- 8 egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal, vanilla and cinnamon (YUP THE MANCAKES EVERY MORNING!)
SHAKEOLOGY with PB2, raw almonds
Lunch- Grilled chicken and veggies, 1/2 sweet potato
Dinner- Grilled Chicken and salad with veggies vinegar dressing
Snack- Egg whites with Sriracha hot sauce
Tuesday: LEG DAY
Breakfast- Mancakes
Snack- Grilled Chicken and grilled veggies
3 rice cakes plain 30 min before gym- 2nd workout Leg day
Snack- Grilled chicken and spinach salad with vinegar, raw almonds
Dinner-Shakeology with PB2
Breakfast- Mancakes
Snack- Shakeology, raw almonds
Lunch- Grilled Chicken, veggies, sweet potato
Dinner- Grilled chicken, spinach salad vinegar dressing
Snack- egg whites with sriracha
Breakfast- Mancakes
Snack- Shakeology with PB2, raw almonds
Lunch- Grilled chicken with green beans, sweet potato
Snack- Shakeology with PB2, raw almonds
Dinner- Grilled chicken, spinach salad
Snack- Egg whites
Friday: BACK DAY
Breakfast- Mancakes
Lunch- Grilled Chicken, green beans
Snack- Shakeology with PB2
Dinner- Grilled chicken, spinach salad
Snack- Egg whites
Saturday: LEG DAY
Breakfast- Shakeology with PB2, almonds
Snack- Mancakes (1 hr prior to leg day)
Lunch – Post workout Shakeology, raw almonds, sweet potato
Dinner- grilled chicken and spinach salad
Snack- Egg whites
Breakfast- Mancakes
Snack- Shakeology with PB2, raw almonds
Lunch- grilled chicken and green beans, sweet potato
Snack- Shakeology, raw almonds
This was my first full week of training myself for my show, and Im pretty excited that I am extra motivated to push as hard as possible!! I will start carb cycling next week and cutting out my PB2 and replacing 1
SHAKEOLOGY with Whey Protein. 🙂
Thats what I got for y’all for now, but feel free to follow me on Facebook and/or add me as a friend if you want extra motivation or even to start reaching your own health and fitness goals! As I am prepping for my show, I also run challenge groups on Facebook for those who want to workout from home and want accountability, support, motivation, tips, etc to reach their goals!
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