Deidra Mangus

Embrace your figure, Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It

Yearly Archives:



Shakeology Balls

OMG…. These by FAR are my favorite snacks EVER!! The best thing about it, you get more nutrition than any other snack AND it tastes DELICIOUS!!  These can even be your last snack of the day! This is perfect for me because I am one of those late night chocolate and peanut butter  ...

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When you visit my site, you will hear me talk a lot about SHAKEOLOGY!! WHY?!?! Because it is BY FAR, “the healthiest meal of the day!”  No, not because I am a coach and sell it, because I have been hooked way before I even became a beach body coach!  It is because out of  ...

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Goals 2013!!

Make goals for your new year!! What is it that you want to accomplish this year??  If you do not make goals, there is NO way to succeed because you have NOTHING to work for!!  When you have goals, write them down, make a poster, ANYTHING!! But make them visible so you see them and  ...

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My Weekly Meal Plan

In order to set yourself up for success on the nutrition aspect, it is important to PREPARE YOURSELF!! This way, there is NO chance for failure!  What I do is look at my work schedule, since I do work part time, and revolve my meals around that, along with what other plans I have for  ...

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Super Saturday!

Saturday, Jan 5th was our quartely Super Saturday with team beach body where Beach Body coaches and customers come together to discuss current and upcoming events and different areas with coaching.  We also had Joel Freeman, a Les Mills Combat celebrity trainer at the event!  How  ...

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New Year 2013

It is already a new year, and will be a great one!! Just to reflect a little on my previous year, my family and I had so many accomplishments in 2012!!  We had our second little boy, built our first home, I started an additional career as an INDEPENDENT TEAM BEACH BODY COACH, and I also  ...

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