Today is the 2nd day into my second half of FOCUS T25!! This is the Beta round, and holy moly its intense! For only 25 minutes, that is the most I have ever worked out for that amount of time! Yesterday, I did T25 (Core Cardio) in the morning at 4am before going to work for 7am, then worked ...
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Heather M- TRANSFORMATION STORY I’ve never really considered myself “fat,” but always “chubby/chunky”. I’ve always hated how I looked in a bathing suit and I never was comfortable in my clothes. I got married about 3 years ago and gained a good bit of weight afterwards. I feel ...
Many people say, ” I cannot be healthy because I do not have time.” or “I work all day and when I finally get a chance to get home, I only want to spend it with them.” Here is the thing… if you want something bad enough, you will work for it… end of ...