Day 2 of T25 was a successful day! So I was off work today, so I woke up and did some Beach Body work, spent time with my boys and then did my T25 workout!! I love the fact that my kids can play and not get too anxious with me working out because it is literally only 25 min!! YAY workout ...
Day 1 of T25 : Day 1 went awesome!! I was prepared mentally and physically and that sets me up for success!! Although I had to work a 10 hr shift, that did not stop me from getting my workout in at 4 am!! I woke up and yes, its difficult, but I also had more energy throughout the day than if I ...
Sunday is here already!! I swear time goes by faster and faster! If your a mommy or daddy, you know exactly what I mean! So I am so excited to start tomorrow because I have not one, but 2 fitness challenge groups starting tomorrow!! I usually only do one, but I have found a great group of ...
Artichoke Lemon Pesto Chicken Pasta Prep time: 35 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 55 mins Serves: 4-5 Ingredients •1lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cubed (or chicken thighs if you prefer) •1 large spaghetti squash, cut in half lengthwise (get a BIG one) •12-15 ...
Vanilla Almond Fudge SHAKEOLOGY 1 serving of Chocolate Shakeology 1 Tbsp. almond butter 1 tsp. vanilla extract 4 dashes cinnamon 1 cup skim (nonfat) milk Yes, in just 1 glass of SHAKEOLOGY, you get all of this dense nutrition!! No more need for multi-vitamin!!! This is not just a weight ...
Transformation Story by Stacey!! Stacey is a customer of mine, and after getting into SHAKEOLOGY and TURBO FIRE by BEACH BODY, she decided to start coaching for the discount.. Now, she is loving her results and ready to take on the world!! I love her story because it ...
Many people say, ” I cannot be healthy because I do not have time.” or “I work all day and when I finally get a chance to get home, I only want to spend it with them.” Here is the thing… if you want something bad enough, you will work for it… end of ...
THE NEW VANILLA SHAKEOLOGY!! I also may replace the rice milk with almond milk!! I use approximately 12 oz of ice and fill the liquid up just below the ice, so it is more of a smoothie consistency!! I f you have an interest in purchasing SHAKEOLOGY, you can message me for ...
Sunday is here already!!! Time to prepare for the week!! There is so much going on it’s going to be crazy, but so much fun!!! So I obviously first have to prepare my meals and know what I am eating. When nutrition is 80 % of your weight loss, you better get the nutrition part down ...
Are you having issues with getting your daily workout in?? Is going to the gym just getting too difficult and you do not have time drive around town with kids or even just your busy life?! I have found doing my BEACH BODY home DVD’s have given me the freedom and results I need to be ...