
Keeping active during summer break!

So today is the FIRST day of summer break for the boys and me, so we are excited to do some fun things!! I know it’s easy to let kids watch TV all day, play on computers and iPads and tablets, but we all know that being active in the summer will burn their energy, keep them happy, and all of us healthy… ESPECIALLY if we are participating in the activities with them!!  So here are some ideas for staying active this summer break with the kiddos to keep them active and healthy:
boys end of school 2019 1st 2nd grade
  1. Strawberry picking- a way to get Vitamin D, walk and get in those steps, AND to pick healthy fruit to eat and enjoy!
  2. Go to the park- It’s free, fun, you and the kids can still get that Vitamin D and burn energy!!
  3. Go for a bike ride- Along with that Vitamin D and exercise, the kids will LOVE the bonding time that you are making with them in the summer!! Something they will remember as they grow up!
  4. Plant flowers and fruits/veggies- So many great reasons to do this: Save money with your fruits and veggies, rather than going to the grocery store, you will all burn some calories, AND you will have healthy food to enjoy!
  5. Slip N slide- I am not telling you to go buy one at the store… heck, all you need is to lay out garbage bags, get some water and dish soap and have some fun!! The kids will love it and it keeps them active! Now I will say, if you have the funds, go to the store and just buy one LOL!
  6. Go for a walk- early morning or evening walks are my favorite! The sun isn’t too bright and it’s usually nice and cool. This is also a way to bond as a family and actually talk rather than everyone playing on their electronics!
  7. Play a sport- We got a basketball hoop and also will be playing baseball, which also will help the kiddos improve with their skills for when they are playing on a team!

I know the summer can be a little chaotic and it can be tough to try and keep the kids occupied, but it’s time to get creative!! Set times to only be outside and active so when it is time for a little rest and downtime, you know the kids are still using their brains and bodies in a healthy way!

Hope you all enjoy this summer as we are going to also!

Mommy and boys pool 2019
