
Staying FIT during Pregnancy… with your SPOUSE!

Deidra Penrose Mangus, P90X3, Tony horton workouts, working out during pregnancy, getting fit during pregnancy, fit pregnancy, healthy pregnancy, military fitness, getting fit for summer, weight loss journey, weight lifting during pregnancy, elite PA beach body coach, successful online health and fitness coach, healthy eating during pregnancy, fitness motivation, first trimester fitness, healthy pregnancy 12 weeks

I hope my hubby doesn’t get mad at me for this!!!!?????

But babe.. I’m doing this for US!!!

Here’s the deal:

➡️I haven’t shared my actual before pics until AFTER my results came… and lately, I haven’t had results because I don’t keep my own self accountable enough….

➡️We BOTH have struggled because we let excuses get in the way:

Moving, getting married, pregnant and restricted workouts, etc…


??If we are going to really do this the right way and the hard way, we need to share the day 1 all the way to the day 30 or 60, etc.. and showing the world before pictures is a great accountability for us!

??The excuses haven’t helped us get the results we want… it simply prolongs our success… so pregnant, married, moved in, still busy, blah blah blah… let’s friggin kick some booty and do this!!

So yup… here it goes!!

I’m giving you my stats since I started my JANUARY NEW YEAR FITNESS GOALS and where I stand today:

??weight in Jan- 146

??weight today- 150 … and yes I’m 12 weeks pregnant but I still had some fat to lose!

I’m up 3 inches with my measurements from Jan… mostly around my belly though ? which I’m ok with!!

But my point is to do this as a TEAM and also have a healthy pregnancy where I’m not gaining 60 unhealthy lbs again!!

Brent, I love you and I’m thanking you now for taking one for the team!! ??????????

Taking back old school to P90X3!! 30 days…. with good ol’ Tony Horton himself… rockin’ some pull ups, push ups, yoga, plyo, you name it!! ✌?

Deidra Penrose Mangus, P90X3, Tony horton workouts, working out during pregnancy, getting fit during pregnancy, fit pregnancy, healthy pregnancy, military fitness, getting fit for summer, weight loss journey, weight lifting during pregnancy, elite PA beach body coach, successful online health and fitness coach, healthy eating during pregnancy, fitness motivation, first trimester fitness, healthy pregnancy 12 weeks

Day 1 P90X3 COMPLETE!!

Nutrition is all about protein control and making healthy choices!! When your pregnant, you only need 200 extra calories a day.. YOU ARE NOT EATING FOR 2!!! A fetus is NOT another person lol!!! Let’s stay focused and on track and know what is actual hunger and what is emotions and boredom!

So for me, when I’m craving my sweet and chocolate, my to-go is my Shakeology balls…. getting my nutrition but staying on track!!

Deidra Penrose Mangus, P90X3, Tony horton workouts, working out during pregnancy, getting fit during pregnancy, fit pregnancy, healthy pregnancy, military fitness, getting fit for summer, weight loss journey, weight lifting during pregnancy, elite PA beach body coach, successful online health and fitness coach, healthy eating during pregnancy, fitness motivation, first trimester fitness, healthy pregnancy 12 weeks , shakeology balls, shakeology no bake cookies

If you want motivation, tips, healthy recipes, and to follow my journey through a healthy pregnancy, follow my Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/Deidra.penrose

My Fitness Page: http://www.facebook.com/foreverFITnurse

For 1:1 support, motivation, and accountability through your own fitness journey, please fill out this application for a spot in my next fitness challenge group… please only fill out if you are serious and committed to reaching your goals!